
Q&A with the Indiana AG candidates

Voters on Nov. 8 will replace outgoing Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller. Indiana Lawyer asked the candidates, Democrat Lorenzo Arredondo and Republican Curtis Hill, to respond to the same five questions. Here’s what they had to say.

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Voter group wants documents unsealed in Indiana search

A voter mobilization facing an investigation into possible voter registration fraud asked a court Thursday to unseal documents from an Indiana State Police search of its offices, saying it "has been publicly demonized by the highest state officials in Indiana."

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Report: Indiana fails to provide consistent indigent defense

Indiana is failing to equally provide constitutionally guaranteed effective counsel to indigent people accused of misdemeanor, felony and juvenile offenses, according to a report released Monday. In some counties, poor people facing criminal charges are encouraged to negotiate directly with prosecutors before being appointed counsel.

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Secretary of State: Altered voter registrations raise concerns

Thousands of voter registrations were altered, raising concerns about possible fraud, says Indiana's chief elections official, whose office warned voters to check whether their information is correct online and encouraged voting early to avoid problems on Election Day.

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