
Former IU Maurer dean Robel calls for disciplinary investigation against AG Rokita for comments about abortion doc

A former Indiana University provost and law school dean is calling for a disciplinary investigation into Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, alleging he made “false or baseless” statements on Fox News concerning an Indiana doctor who performed an abortion for a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim.

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Lindman: ERP vetting, contract negotiation and implementation

Many businesses still rely on legacy technology systems that operate as silos, including those within the health care industry. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) providers offer to replace the silos with a suite of integrated software applications that collect, store, manage and interpret data from business activities across departments and business units.

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Breck, Achenbach and Jackson: New reciprocity laws for health care professionals in Indiana

As of March 18, certain out-of-state health care professionals will find it easier to obtain licenses and certifications to practice in Indiana. The new credentialing standards set forth in Indiana Code § 25-1-21 (the Reciprocity Statute) apply broadly to health care professionals, except for social workers, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, addiction counselors and clinical addiction counselors, and respiratory care practitioners.

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