
Year End Review - Indiana Tech Law School

Top 10 legal stories of 2017 focus on law schools, court changes

The closing of 4-year-old Indiana Tech Law School in Fort Wayne, and the revelation that 138-year-old Valparaiso University Law School faced an uncertain future, made law school troubles the top legal news story of 2017, as determined by the staff of Indiana Lawyer. Changes on the federal and state bench also were among the year’s top stories.

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IndyBar: Attorneys Needed for Naturalization Ceremonies

Twice a month, a ceremony at the U.S. Courthouse welcomes newly naturalized American citizens. It’s an awe-inspiring ceremony–and you can be a part of it. Indianapolis Bar Association attorney members participate in the naturalization ceremonies by handing out a booklet containing the U.S. and Indiana constitutions and presenting brief remarks.

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Sessions slams judges for thwarting Trump policies

The nation’s chief law enforcement officer on Thursday blasted federal judges who have thwarted or criticized Trump administration policies, accusing them of trying to veto the president’s decisions because they disagree with him politically.

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African mom in Indiana loses custody appeal to dad in Mali

An African woman currently living in Indiana must return her children to their father in Africa after the Indiana Court of Appeals found her home country’s custody laws do not violate fundamental human rights, so Indiana courts lack jurisdiction to strike down her African custody order.

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Court denies state’s motion to stay Syrian refugee case

After blocking the state from banning the resettlement of Syrian refugees in Indiana, a refugee organization can continue its litigation against the state after a district court judge denied the state’s motion to stay proceedings while the Supreme Court of the United States reviews a federal travel ban.

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Travel ban lawsuits filed by legal center, Muslim advocates

A coalition of Muslim and Iranian-American advocates and a nonpartisan legal institute filed the first lawsuits against the Trump administration's new travel restrictions for citizens of eight countries, including Iran, that were announced late last month.

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Immigration attorneys weigh varying options for DACA clients

As the country waits to learn what, if any, legislative deal might be struck in order to preserve the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to rescind it, immigration law attorneys say they are looking for ways to advise their clients on how to plan for their futures.

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