
COA rejects BMV’s request for relief from judgment

The state of Indiana did not establish prima facie error in the trial court’s denial of its motions for relief from judgment in two cases in which the lower court ordered the reinstatement of drivers’ licenses without proof of future financial responsibility, the Court of Appeals held Thursday.

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COA: CDL holder cannot enter diversion program for alcohol offenses

A man who held a commercial driver’s license and pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor drunken-driving offenses cannot participate in a diversion program, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday. One judge on the panel had concerns that the law treats CDL holders and those without a CDL differently.

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Justices: Personalized licenses plates are government speech

The Indiana Supreme Court Friday upheld the Bureau of Motor Vehicles’ process for approving or denying requests for personalized license plates after finding the plates are government speech. A Marion County judge ruled last year the statute governing personalized license plates is unconstitutional.

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BMV: Reforms underway but will take years to complete

Significant reforms are underway at the troubled Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, officials said Thursday, but noted those will likely take several years to carry out and won't come from "quick fixes" to the agency, which in recent years has overcharged motorists millions of dollars in fees.

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COA orders corrected notification sent to BMV, suggests form update

The Indiana Court of Appeals has ordered a trial court to send a corrected notice to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles that shows judgment was only entered on two of the four charges a man was convicted of related to his speeding in Brown County. The judges also suggested that the BMV update its form to avoid future confusion as shown in this case.

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Indiana judge weighs fate of BMV overcharges case

A judge is weighing the fate of a lawsuit targeting the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles after he heard arguments Monday in the case alleging that the BMV overcharged motorists by tens of millions of dollars for fees and services.

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Audit: Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles used ambiguous fees

The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles lacks oversight, uses a complex fee schedule that leads to inconsistent charges for the same transactions and may have overcharged motorists more than previously disclosed, according to an independent audit released Monday.

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