
Indiana landlord seeks Supreme Court’s help in land dispute

A northwestern Indiana landlord wants the U.S. Supreme Court to wade into his dispute with the city of Hammond and overturn a city order directing him to remove five apartments that he’s leased to tenants in what was once a single-family home. Jose Andrade, who argues that Hammond’s order violates his constitutional rights, has filed a petition for review with the nation’s highest court.

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Tax sale for which landowner wasn’t given notice reversed

The LaPorte County auditor’s failure to check records that would have revealed the actual address of a Michigan City property owner whose land was sold without notice for back taxes was a denial of constitutional due process, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday. The appeals court reinstated the landowner’s challenge to the tax sale results and remanded the case.

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COA upholds admitting meth found in Bedford Taco Bell

A man convicted of possessing several grams of meth has lost his appeal to suppress evidence found at his fast food workplace after an anonymous caller alerted authorities. But a concurring judge used the case to “state the obvious” and remind Hoosiers of their right not to talk to police in similar circumstances.

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