
Bank’s arbitration award reversed for abuse of discretion

A small claims court’s confirmation of an arbitration award to a bank after its ‘dilatory conduct’ was reversed Thursday by the Indiana Court of Appeals, which found an abuse of discretion occurred in granting the bank relief several years after the case should have been dismissed with prejudice.

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Man wins right for jury trial to fight traffic ticket

The Indiana Court of Appeals reversed the denial of a man’s demand for a jury trial in his trial de novo after he was found guilty in a city court bench trial. The panel found he did not waive that right by formerly submitting to the bench trial.

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Logging injunction near Lake Monroe splits Court of Appeals

A trial court’s injunction halting logging on land on Lake Monroe south of Bloomington was reversed Monday by a split panel of the Indiana Court of Appeals. A dissenting judge, however, would have upheld the injunction and called the majority’s recommendation that the case be referred for mediation “imprudent.”

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Divided COA reverses custody change based on relocation

The issue of whether a mother’s relocation could by itself warrant a change in joint custody divided the Indiana Court of Appeals on Monday, which reversed a trial court’s decision to award sole legal custody to the father who was remaining in the Indianapolis area.

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Judgment against casino as discovery sanction affirmed

Finding a Lake Superior judge properly ordered summary judgment against a casino as a sanction for dragging its feet on discovery in an elderly man’s negligence complaint filed after a fall, the Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed and sent the case back to determine the man’s damages.

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COA to travel for three arguments next week

Three Appeals on Wheels oral arguments will be heard next week, involving wrongful termination of a hospital employee, suppression of evidence from a pat-down search and a hotel’s appeal of granted possession.

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Charlestown residents challenging sale of water utility

A group of residents from Charlestown is challenging the sale of the local water utility to Indiana-American Water, a transaction that comes with a $13.4 million price tag. Charlestown officials say the sale will improve the local water quality in the long run while mitigating rate increases, but the challenging residents claim the opposite.

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SCOTUS decision in Timbs civil forfeiture case just a start

The US Supreme Court decision in a landmark Indiana civil forfeiture case ruled that the Eighth Amendment Excessive Fines Clause is incorporated to the states, but Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s opinion declined to answer one key question: When does the Eighth Amendment prohibit civil forfeiture?

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Dialysis facility’s breach of contract claims pre-empted

A medical facility that provided regular, life-sustaining dialysis treatments lost its appeal seeking to recover more than $1.5 million from its patients’ benefit plans when the Indiana Court of Appeals found the facility’s claims were pre-empted by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.

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