
COA: Case for relief against INDOT may continue

The Indiana Court of Appeals allowed a local government entity to continue seeking relief against the Indiana Department of Transportation Friday, holding that the local unit of government had standing to seek both injunctive and declaratory relief.

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COA keeps man’s name on sex offender registry

A man who has been convicted of multiple sex offenses must keep his name on the Indiana Sex Offender Registry for now after the Indiana Court of Appeals found Tuesday that he had failed to present a proper petition to keep his name off of the registry.

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COA: Felon’s right to bear arms was not reinstated

A trial court judge’s statement that he was not going to prevent a convicted felon from possessing a firearm at his post-conviction hearing is not the equivalent of the reinstatement of the man’s right to bear arms, the Indiana Court of Appeals found Friday.

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COA affirms mom’s convictions targeting stepmom

The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed a mother’s intimidation convictions Friday, writing that her children’s stepmother had lawful custody of the children, so the mother’s threats against the woman constituted intimidation based on a prior lawful act.

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COA holds public trust rights rule along lakeshore

When a private property owner’s land deed overlaps with that of the public trust along Lake Michigan, the rights to the shore are controlled by the common law public trust doctrine, the Indiana Court of Appeals found Wednesday in a landmark decision that prevents private property owners from exerting complete control over lakeshore land between ordinary high- and low-water marks.

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