
COA: Mentally disabled man belongs in work release, not prison

A Greene County man whose home detention was revoked in favor of imprisonment will now be sent to a work-release facility after the Indiana Court of Appeals found that the man’s financial situation and documented mental illnesses were  mitigating factors in his sentencing.

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COA: Police lawfully entered home; battery conviction upheld

A Richmond man’s request to have his conviction for battery against two police officers overturned was denied Monday by a panel of the Indiana  Court of Appeals, which found that the officers had lawfully entered the man’s home because they suspected him of being armed and dangerous.

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COA awards custody to father, orders assets redivided

After a couple’s contentious battle in court over custody of their children and possession of their home, the Indiana Court of Appeals decided Friday their marital estate had not been correctly divided. However, the appellate court affirmed the decision to award custody of the children to their father.

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COA affirms woman’s involuntary commitment despite moot appeal

Although the term of her commitment in an Indiana mental health facility had already expired, the Indiana Court of Appeals chose Thursday to hear a woman’s moot appeal of her commitment and affirm it, writing that the case needed to be heard as a matter of great public importance.

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COA dismisses car-crash claim for lack of jurisdiction

A lawsuit filed after a car crash on Interstate 65 allegedly caused by an intoxicated driver was dismissed by the Indiana Court of Appeals Thursday, which ruled it lacked jurisdiction in a case the trial court appeared to dismiss after an appeal was filed.

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COA finds victim credible, affirms rape, theft convictions

After entering a Marion County family’s home with a gun, raping the mother and robbing the family of valuable possessions, the man convicted in the case cannot have his multiple convictions overturned after the Indiana Court of Appeals decided Wednesday that the mother’s testimony was not incredibly dubious.

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Dissenting COA judge seeks to double molester’s sentence

A dissenting Indiana Court of Appeals judge Wednesday said he would use the court’s authority to double the sentence of a man ordered to serve four years in the Indiana Department of Correction for his conviction of two counts of Class C child molesting.

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Barnes & Thornburg malpractice suit prompts judge’s warning

Indiana’s largest law firm prevailed in defending a judgment in its favor in a legal malpractice suit, but an Indiana Court of Appeals judge took the opportunity to question whether lawyers should be able to shield themselves from liability for future acts of malpractice.

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COA: Illinois sex offender must register in Indiana

An Illinois sex offender now living in Indiana must keep his name on the Indiana sex-offender registry after the Indiana Court of Appeals found Wednesday that there was no ex post facto violation in applying the state’s registration tolling statute to the man after he moved to Indiana.

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COA allows juvenile expungement despite pending charge

The Indiana Court of Appeals has allowed a Marion County man’s juvenile record to be expunged after finding that a criminal charge that was filed against him after he filed a petition for expungement cannot be held against him in the expungement case.

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