
Woman can be charged with criminal trespass after entering school

A woman who entered school property after she was threatened with criminal trespass if she did so can be charged with the crime after the Indiana Court of Appeals upheld a trial court ruling that she had no contractual interest in the school property, despite being a parent in the district.

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Man gets to keep part of farming property

A man will get to keep part of his farming property after the Indiana Court of Appeals found appointing a commissioner for the property was an impermissible modification of his and his ex-wife’s divorce agreement.

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Shot officer’s suit against gun dealer splits COA

An Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Officer who was shot and wounded by a suspect he killed returning fire may proceed with his lawsuit against a gun dealer that sold the gun to a straw purchaser, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Thursday. The officer’s case is supported by law enforcement and public policy organizations.

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COA: 82-year-old can return home

The Indiana Court of Appeals reversed a decision by the Delaware Circuit Court that said an elderly woman needed 24-hour care supervision at a nursing facility and allowed her to return home after it found Adult Protective Services did not present sufficient evidence she was involved in a life-threatening emergency.

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COA: Attorneys can rely upon representations of other attorneys

The Indiana Court of Appeals reaffirmed a two-decades-old Indiana Supreme Court ruling, saying attorneys are entitled to rely upon the representations of other attorneys when it ruled on a case where a company was charged a higher price for a piece of property than it should have been because of the price the property’s attorney gave to the company.

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Appeals court rules Notre Dame police subject to APRA

The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday the University of Notre Dame Police Department is a public agency under the Indiana Access to Public Records Act and is subject to APRA requests, overturning a trial court decision in St. Joseph Superior Court.

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COA: Uninsured man can negotiate hospital bills

The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled in a split decision the state’s Hospital Lien Act allows an uninsured hospital patient to negotiate the terms of his contract with the hospital after a man was charged more than $600,000 for a nearly three-month stay.

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COA rules in favor of IHSAA in basketball fight

The Indiana Court of Appeals reversed a preliminary injunction against the Indiana High School Athletic Association in a case involving a fight between Griffith and Hammond High Schools last year that allowed both schools to participate in the IHSAA tournament. The COA said the trial court improperly added its own judgment and remanded the case to the trial court for further proceedings.

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Wife to receive more in divorce settlement

A wife will get around $116,000 more in a divorce settlement after the Indiana Court of Appeals found the trial court erred in applying the coverture fraction formula to the husband’s retirement accounts.

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COA overturns trust validity case

A redacted copy of a living trust did not stop a woman from challenging and winning her charge that a trial court improperly dismissed her complaint contesting validity of the trust.

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Denial of jury instruction was correct, COA rules

The Indiana Court of Appeals said a trial court was right in denying a man’s jury instruction that would have applied mens rea to every element of aggravated battery, saying the severity of an injury is not an element of prohibited conduct, but a result of it.

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