
COA ceremonies set for Friedlander and Altice

Ceremonies have been announced for judges transitioning off and on the Indiana Court of Appeals. A retirement ceremony for Judge Ezra H. Friedlander is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Thursday in the Indiana Supreme Court courtroom. Chief Judge Nancy H. Vaidik will preside.

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COA upholds human trafficking conviction

The Indiana Court of Appeals took a plain reading of state statute to counter a defendant’s argument that the state had to prove intent in order to sustain a conviction of attempted promotion of human trafficking.

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Mom loses appeal against Planned Parenthood

A mom who sued Planned Parenthood after her 17-year-old daughter used another person’s ID and posed as an 18-year-old to get an abortion has no private cause of action to enforce abortion statutes. Planned Parenthood also owed no duty to the mother under the circumstances, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Monday.

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Agreement means what it says, COA rules

While the Indiana Court of Appeals conceded the severance agreement was “not a model of precision,” it disagreed with a trial court’s conclusion that the agreement contained a mistake.

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Divided COA panel reverses modification of support

A judge who ordered a modification of child support after a father told the court he was moving out of state and intended to seek custody of a minor child acted prematurely, a Court of Appeals panel majority ruled Thursday.

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Class-action members did not show illnesses were caused by same meals

Although several Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. members who visited Indianapolis in 2013 all reported symptoms much like those caused by food poisoning, the Indiana Court of Appeals denied class certification, ruling the individuals did not specifically link their illnesses to the chicken served at lunch and dinner.

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