
COA: Buyer complied with notice statutes for obtaining tax deed

Noting that the parties and trial court did not follow the established procedures to set aside a tax deed, the Indiana Court of Appeals held that the court erred in finding a buyer’s notices sent certified mail were statutorily deficient. The notices did not request return receipt.

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Judges split over Fourth Amendment violation

Two of the three judges on an Indiana Court of Appeals panel affirmed the suppression of marijuana and a pipe found on a man during a traffic stop, with the dissenting judge believing there was no infringement on the man’s Fourth Amendment rights.

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Judges decline to find OWI statute unconstitutional

The Indiana Court of Appeals rejected a man’s claim that the statute proscribing the operation of a vehicle with a Schedule I or II controlled substance violates the Equal Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Indiana Constitution.

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Evidence of victim’s prior offenses rightly excluded

A man convicted and sentenced to 45 years in prison for a brutal attack that left his 77-year-old victim hospitalized for months failed to persuade the Court of Appeals that evidence of the victim’s prior offenses had been wrongly excluded at his trial.

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