
COA affirms division of marital assets

In a divorce dispute that has lasted nearly as long as the marriage, the Court of Appeals of Indiana found the trial court did not abuse its discretion by awarding more assets to the wife than she had originally brought into the union.

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Appeal of temporary involuntary commitment dismissed, but dissent calls for Supreme Court clarification

A woman’s appeal of her involuntary mental health commitment has been dismissed as moot because she has already been released from commitment. However, the Court of Appeals of Indiana split sharply in the decision, with the dissenting judge calling on the Indiana Supreme Court to clarify recent precedent on how appeals of temporary involuntary commitments should be decided.

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Dollens: DTCI Amicus activity: Summary of key cases in 2021

Although DTCI is unable to become involved in every case in which its participation is requested, the amicus committee and the board of directors carefully consider each request and welcome the chance to work with defense counsel across the state on important issues of Indiana law before Indiana’s appellate courts

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