
No longer a taxing process of review

When Department of Revenue Commissioner Adam Krupp took over the department in January, he decided to revamp its policies to focus more on customer service. Working alongside general counsel Patrick Price, Krupp implemented a new customer-oriented protest review system that has slashed taxpayer wait times and also helped increase efficiency at the Tax Court.

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RV dealership scores victory in court over sales tax dispute

A northern Indiana RV company did not improperly fail to collect and remit sales tax for its out-of-state customers by physically delivering RVs to those customers in Michigan, the Indiana Tax Court ruled Wednesday, finding such sales are not considered to be made in Indiana as matter of law.

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Wrongly jailed drug court plaintiffs lose in federal court

Plaintiffs who were jailed for months without due process in a southern Indiana drug court will take nothing in their federal lawsuit against drug court staff members and county sheriff who they say were responsible for violating their constitutional rights, a judge has ruled.

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Tax Court: State can’t require SSNs to claim dependent children

A Fort Wayne man who claimed a religious objection to obtaining Social Security numbers for his dependent children was entitled to claim those children as dependents on his state tax return after the Indiana Tax Court determined Monday the man provided the necessary documentation to prove the children are his dependents.

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Tax Court rules in favor of exemptions for trucking company

The Indiana Tax Court has ruled in favor of a northern Indiana trucking company protesting a proposed tax assessment of nearly $500,000, finding the company’s use of its trucks were predominately related to public transportation during the years at issue.

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Tax court judge rejects request to compel further discovery

After previously allowing the deposition of the former commissioner of the Indiana Department of State Revenue, the Indiana Tax Court rejected the University of Phoenix’s requests to compel further discovery, writing that the additional discovery likely would not reveal admissible evidence.

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Divided COA: Man can’t use RFRA to avoid taxes

A divided Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Friday that a Marion County man cannot avoid paying income taxes using a religious freedom defense, with the majority writing that the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act allows for the collection of taxes in the furtherance of a compelling government interest.

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Lawsuit calls 2 Indiana tax statutes unconstitutional

A Marion County resident, whose bank account of $155.44 was frozen by the Indiana Department of Revenue, is suing to prevent the state from taking assets for income tax debts without leaving the debtor something to pay for basic necessities like food and shelter.

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Tax court adjusts sales, use taxes for contractor

The Indiana Tax Court reversed some issues and affirmed others related to Miller Pipeline’s claim of refund of sales and use taxes remitted for the 2006 and 2007 tax years, ruling the contractor overpaid by tens of thousands of dollars.

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