
Letter to the editor: Proposed changes to merit selection may prove judicious

Your publication recently printed an article discussing the Indiana State Bar Association’s objections to Indiana Senate Joint Resolution 16. The bar association’s complaint about SJR 16, and the slant of the article, is that the resolution proposes to “strip” Hoosier voters of the power to retain Indiana appellate court judges and Supreme Court justices. I do not believe that complaint is well-founded.

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Election bills tweaking Indiana voting laws

Compared to the battles surrounding voting bills in states such as Iowa and Georgia, the six bills that are moving through the Indiana General Assembly appear to be making rather mild tweaks to Hoosier election laws rather than attempting a controversial overhaul.

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Indy TV station loses public records dispute against Hamilton Southeastern schools

A Hamilton County school district fulfilled its public disclosure duties when it provided information about a suspended employee’s discipline and personnel history, even though the district did not provide specific personnel records, the Indiana Court of Appeals has ruled. The appellate court used its Wednesday decision to call on the Indiana General Assembly to provide more clarity in how public agencies should respond to public records requests.

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