
Holcomb ceremonially signs victims rights bill

A victims rights bill inspired by a mother attempting to protect her underage daughter from a sexual predator’s grooming tactics was ceremonially signed Wednesday by Gov. Eric Holcomb, with support from the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council.

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7th Circuit vacates ruling in light of new uniform-rental law

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has vacated in part a Southern District Court’s decision, asking it to reconsider whether an amended Indiana wage-deduction law could be retroactively applied to claims made against a former employer for withholding employee wages to rent work uniforms.

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Indiana fetal disposition law upheld by U.S. Supreme Court

Indiana’s law mandating that fetal remains be either buried or cremated has been upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in a per curiam opinion issued Tuesday that found the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals had “clearly erred” in overturning the law. However, in the same opinion, the Supreme Court let stand a ruling which blocked another Indiana law that would have prevented abortions based on the gender, race or genetic abnormality of the fetus.  

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‘Red flag law’ changes narrow language, information gaps

Indiana is considered a leader in the red flag law movement that allows firearms to be confiscated from people deemed dangerous. But with language that some experts considered overly broad and potentially unconstitutional, the Indiana General Assembly revisited that legislation, known as the Jake Laird Law, during the 2019 legislative session.

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Crime sentences, vaping tax up for Indiana lawmaker panels

Indiana lawmakers will be looking at prescription drug prices, crime sentences and taxes on vaping liquids in the coming months. Those are among the more than 40 topics that leaders have assigned to committees ahead of next year’s General Assembly session.

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Gary lawsuit against gun makers may proceed, COA rules

A unanimous appellate panel has revived the city of Gary’s lawsuit against 10 handgun manufacturers, enabling the municipality to survive the Indiana General Assembly’s attempt to derail the legal action by amending the state’s Immunity Statute in 2015.

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ACLU, state debate ‘alternatives’ to banned abortion procedure

As abortion rights supporters and opponents nationwide clash over legislation restricting abortions in several states, Indiana is beginning yet another legal battle over a law that could limit Hoosiers’ abortion access. This year’s fight is centered on second-trimester abortions and whether alternative procedures make banning a specific abortion procedure permissible.

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Alabama governor invokes God in banning nearly all abortions

Alabama's Republican governor has signed the most stringent abortion legislation in the nation, making performing an abortion a felony in nearly all cases. The development comes as two Indiana petitions challenging abortion laws linger before the U.S. Supreme Court.

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CHINS case dismissed for untimely fact-finding hearing

A child in need of services case has been dismissed after an appellate panel concluded that a mother’s motion to dismiss because the fact-finding hearing was not completed within the statutory timeframe was incorrectly denied by the trial court.

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Misconduct case beginning against AG Hill

A former state Supreme Court justice is set to take up allegations that Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill committed professional misconduct by groping four women during a party. Former Justice Myra Selby on Monday scheduled a pre-hearing conference for May 22 on the Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission’s complaint against Hill over the allegations he touched the backs or buttocks of a state lawmaker and three legislative staffers in March 2018.

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AG Hill defends pay hikes for top aides

Some top aides to Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill have seen recent pay hikes of $9,000 or more, but Hill contends they are not rewards for sticking with him as he faces allegations of drunkenly groping four women during a party last year.

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General Assembly passes DCS reforms

As Senate Enrolled Act 1 was heading for its third and final reading in the Indiana House of Representatives, Rep. Vanessa Summers reminded her colleagues that their work in helping reform the Department of Child Services is not finished.

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