
Holcomb signs 3 DCS-related bills, 5 others await action

A bill that would have given immunity to guardians ad litem and court appointed child advocates stalled in the Indiana House, but other measures covering foster parents and placing new requirements on the Indiana Department of Child Services all passed through the Statehouse with little or no opposition.

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City of Gary fighting sanctuary city lawsuit

The city of Gary is defending its welcoming ordinance, filing a motion for summary judgment last week in Lake Superior Court against plaintiffs who claim the municipal government violates the state’s “sanctuary city preemption law.”

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Bill to lift Indianapolis-area ban on light rail goes off track

A proposal in the Indiana Legislature to reverse a ban that prevents Marion County from developing a light-rail mass transit project appears to be dead. The ban was approved in 2014 and restricts public spending on light-rail projects in Marion and surrounding counties.

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Bill letting ‘Dreamers’ get licenses clears Indiana House

Young immigrants often referred to as “Dreamers” would no longer be prohibited from obtaining professional licenses under emergency legislation approved Monday by the Indiana House. But while the measure is supported by Gov. Eric Holcomb, there are hints it could face opposition in the Senate.

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Indiana House passes abortion information bill

A doctor who treats a woman for complications arising from an abortion would have to report new and more detailed information about the patient to the state, under a bill approved by the Indiana House on Wednesday.

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Indiana lawmakers approve bill banning eyeball tattooing

The Indiana Legislature has approved a bill to effectively ban the practice of eyeball tattooing. Under the Indiana proposal, tattooists would be prohibited from coloring the whites of an individual's eyes. The bill imposes a fine of up to $10,000 per violation.

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