
Indiana governor concerned about Notre Dame police bill

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said Monday that his “strong bias for the public’s right to know” will weigh heavily as he decides whether to veto a measure that would shelter police departments at Notre Dame and 10 other Indiana private colleges from following the same crime reporting requirements as all other law enforcement agencies.

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Legislators bet on fantasy sports

With figures that say between 500,000 and 1 million Hoosiers play daily fantasy sports, state legislators decided now was the time to regulate the growing industry before it got too big.

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Consumer groups call on Indiana lawmakers to release records

Indiana lawmakers should be required to comply with their own public records law and release documents, including email correspondence with campaign donors and lobbying groups, a coalition of consumer advocacy groups told the Indiana Supreme Court on Thursday.

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Indiana gay rights groups say history is on their side

Indiana LGBT rights activists said Tuesday that history is on their side and they will continue pressing for statewide civil rights protections for gender identity and sexual orientation despite lawmakers' unwillingness to act during the recently adjourned legislative session.

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Regulations coming for lawsuit funding industry

In the final hours of the 2016 legislative session, the Indiana General Assembly arrived at a compromise which, for the first time, will regulate companies that fund plaintiffs in civil lawsuits in Indiana.

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Lawmakers pass police video bill

Indiana law enforcement agencies will get the right to withhold all body and dash cam video recordings from the public under a bill that's now headed to the governor's desk.

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Marion County Bar Association opposes judicial selection bill

Lawmakers are working to craft an 11th-hour agreement on how judges should be chosen in Marion County after they were unable to reach a compromise Monday. Meanwhile, Indianapolis’ historically black bar association called for direct election of judges instead of a proposed merit-selection system.

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‘No more stringent’ restrained

Manufacturers, agriculture and other big Hoosier industries pegged House Bill 1082 at the top of their legislative agenda this year. So did about 20 environmental, health and public-interest groups that opposed the measure barring Indiana from adopting environmental regulations tougher than federal standards.

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