
Senate approves police video bill

Indiana law enforcement would be forced to publicly release body-camera video if the recordings might show officers using excessive force or violating someone's civil rights under a measure approved by the state Senate.

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Mandatory minimums for drug dealing splits Statehouse

Roughly 18 months after Indiana’s reformed criminal code took effect, emphasizing treatment over incarceration for drug offenses, the General Assembly is considering proposals that would boost certain crimes to a higher level felony, stiffen punishments for possession of controlled substances and make some cold medicine more difficult to purchase.

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Adoptee birth-records bill passes

A bill long sought by Hoosiers adopted between 1941 and 1993 and denied their birth records passed the Indiana General Assembly Monday and heads to the desk of Gov. Mike Pence.

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Black lawmakers oppose Marion County judge selection bill

A proposal to create a 14-member merit-selection commission to nominate Marion Superior judges would harm minority representation on the bench of the state’s largest county, members of the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus said in a statement Monday as the bill awaited second reading on the House floor.

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Indiana House committee tosses hate-crimes bill

Legislation creating the state’s first hate-crime law to help victims targeted because of their race, sexual identity, religion or other specified characteristic is expected to die because it won’t get a committee hearing in the House, leaving lawmakers few options to address civil rights this year.

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Attorneys added to Marion County judicial selection committee

The Courts and Criminal Code Committee in the Indiana House of Representatives passed an amendment Wednesday modifying the makeup of the Marion County judicial selection committee. The amendment adds more Marion County attorneys to the committee that will send names to the governor for appointment.

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Future uncertain for state environmental policy limit

The future remains uncertain for a proposed limit on Indiana's authority to make its own environmental policies. The Senate Environmental Affairs Committee heard hours of testimony Monday on the bill, which has already passed the House.

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Lawmakers zeroing in on anti-meth plan

Pharmacists say there are tell-tale signs that a customer is buying cold medicine to make methamphetamine: They peer behind the pharmacy counter, ask for the highest dosage and make multiple purchases in the same hour.

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Fantasy sports companies defend embattled industry

Fantasy sports sites say their contests aren't gambling because a player's skill level is more of a factor than chance in determining success, but some states have declared them gambling games and either banned them outright or required operators to get gambling licenses.

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General Assembly leaders honor Dickson

A resolution honoring the service of retiring Indiana Supreme Court Justice Brent Dickson unanimously passed both houses of the General Assembly, and House and Senate leaders praised the second-longest-serving justice in state history Tuesday.

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