
A look at bills proposed in the 2016 General Assembly

Proposals addressing everything from civil rights protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to requiring a prescription for a common cold medicine used to make methamphetamine will be debated when lawmakers gather for the 2016 session, which begins Tuesday.

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Bill pushes to replace administrative law judges

The chairman of the Indiana Senate Judiciary Committee has introduced Senate Bill 1, a 119-page proposal that would replace administrative law judges with an administrative court made up of nine judges appointed by the governor.

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Indiana law drives down moped thefts, sales

Evansville Police Department spokesman Sgt. Jason Cullum said scooter theft reports fell from 269 in 2014 to just 79 as of Dec. 17. He said that’s because scooters are now easier to track if stolen because they now must be registered and licensed.

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Battle looms over restriction on cold medicine used for meth

Indiana lawmakers have yet to gather for the 2016 legislative session, but already the multibillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry has clashed with influential law enforcement organizations over a proposed law that would require a prescription to buy a common cold medicine also used to make methamphetamine.

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Lawmakers offer alternative to cold medicine sales crackdown

Republican Sens. Randy Head of Logansport and Jim Merritt of Indianapolis said pharmacists should have the authority to approve or disapprove sales for medicines containing pseudoephedrine, which is a decongestant used to treat colds and allergies. A rival measure backed by Indiana prosecutors and GOP House Speaker Brian Bosma would require a prescription for such medicines.

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GOP bill on Indiana LGBT rights has religious exemptions

Indiana Senate Republicans released a proposal Tuesday that would extend state civil rights protections to LGBT people while also carving out broad exemptions for religious institutions and some small businesses that object to working with gay people.

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