
2012 Year in Review

2012 was another busy year for the legal community. We welcomed new justices and a new chief justice, witnessed the beginnings of the state’s fifth law school, and saw local stories garner national and international attention. Here’s a look back at the top news stories from last year.

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State moves forward with IBM appeal

Attorneys for the state of Indiana have begun the formal appeal process after a Marion County court in July awarded a $52 million judgment to IBM over cancellation of the company’s contract to privatize social service claims processing.

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JNC’s justice candidate evaluation letter sent to governor

The Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission sent its letter to Gov. Mitch Daniels Wednesday explaining the qualifications of justice finalists Hamilton Superior Judge Steven Nation, Tippecanoe Superior Judge Loretta Rush, and Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP partner Geoffrey Slaughter.

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Ruling for IBM likely first act in legal epic

A ruling that ordered the state to pay more than $52 million to IBM due to cancellation of its contract to privatize social service claims processing certainly will have a second, and most likely a third, act.

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State will appeal IBM ruling

The state is going to appeal Wednesday’s decision in Marion Superior Court that it pay IBM $52 million for ending early its billion-dollar contract with the company to update the state’s welfare system.

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State must pay $52M over terminated welfare contract

Marion Superior Judge David Dreyer has ordered the state to pay IBM an additional $12 million in early termination closeout payments and for equipment it retained after canceling a contract with IBM to implement a modernized welfare system. The judge previously ruled in January that the state was on the hook for $40 million in subcontractor assignment fees for terminating the contract.

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Governor signs Lifeline Law

A ceremonial signing of Indiana’s Lifeline Law was held Friday at the Statehouse. Senate Enrolled Act 274 provides legal immunity from prosecution for those who seek medical attention for an intoxicated person.

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Governor signs bill inspired by Supreme Court ruling

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels signed Senate Enrolled Act 1 into law Tuesday evening. The legislation deals with the right of people to defend against unlawful entry and was created in response to the Indiana Supreme Court ruling in Barnes v. State.

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Justices explain opinion in IBM case

Last month, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that Gov. Mitch Daniels doesn’t have to testify in the dispute between the state and IBM regarding a cancelled contract to modernize the state’s welfare system. On Wednesday, the justices explained their reasoning.

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Governor signs DCS, new judge legislation

Gov. Mitch Daniels signed legislation last week that gives Johnson Superior Court a fourth judge and Allen Circuit Court another full-time magistrate, and an enrolled act that makes changes to the Department of Child Services.

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State senator appointed secretary of state

Gov. Mitch Daniels has appointed Sen. Connie Lawson, R-Danville, as Indiana secretary of state. She fills the vacancy left by Charlie White, who was recently convicted of several felonies, making him ineligible to hold office.

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Justices rule governor doesn’t have to testify in IBM case

On the same day it heard arguments, the Indiana Supreme Court reversed a Marion Superior judge’s ruling and held that Gov. Mitch Daniels does not have to testify or be deposed in an ongoing lawsuit over the cancelled contract to modernize the state’s welfare system.

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Indiana becomes right-to-work state

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels signed legislation Wednesday making Indiana the 23rd right-to-work state. The law makes it illegal for any worker to be forced to pay union dues or fees or become a member of a labor union as a condition of employment.

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