Justices grant transfer to insurance, will disputes
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear the insurance dispute involving a landlord and tenant that divided the Court of Appeals earlier this year.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear the insurance dispute involving a landlord and tenant that divided the Court of Appeals earlier this year.
Litigation over a proposed large-scale hog farm opposed by a neighboring YMCA camp in northern Indiana won’t be reviewed by the Indiana Supreme Court. Justices decided last week in a 3-2 decision to deny transfer on the issue of where the case should be heard.
The Indiana Supreme Court has granted transfer to a Marion County case that split the Court of Appeals as to whether the man’s Class A felony conviction for molesting his girlfriend’s daughter should be upheld.
The Indiana Supreme Court added three criminal cases to its docket last week.
In light of a September ruling in which the Indiana Supreme Court held it had jurisdiction to entertain a biological father’s appeal of an adoption, the justices granted transfer and ordered the Court of Appeals to reconsider two cases.
The Indiana Supreme Court will decide whether a public school district may charge parents a fee to transport children to and from school.
The Indiana Supreme Court decided Tuesday that the Court of Appeals decision regarding an insurance policy sold by Settlers Life Insurance Co. should stand, so it vacated transfer of a case it took in August.
Whether a person’s proximity to a crime scene together with circumstantial evidence is sufficient for conviction is the question for the Indiana Supreme Court in one of two cases justices will review.
The Indiana Supreme Court will decide a case that divided the Indiana Court of Appeals over whether marijuana and a pipe found after a traffic stop should be suppressed.
The Indiana Supreme Court will review a case in which the Court of Appeals reversed a 10-year sentence, the most a man could receive under an agreement in which he pleaded guilty to multiple felonies.
The Indiana Supreme Court will not stay a contempt order entered against the mayor of Kokomo over construction at the Howard County courthouse.
The Indiana Supreme Court has denied Purdue University’s request to appeal court orders that it release a report investigating a fired chancellor’s alleged gender discrimination and harassment complaint.
The Indiana Supreme Court has accepted three cases on transfer, including one that divided the Court of Appeals regarding a jury award to the widow of a motorcyclist injured in a crash.
The state Supreme Court will decide a dispute between the state of Indiana and IBM over the company's failed attempt to privatize public welfare services.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear the appeal of a man whose 120-year sentence on conviction of four counts of attempted murder was reversed by the Court of Appeals.
A long-running dispute between the owners and former owners of a home with electrical and structural issues will return to the Indiana Supreme Court, one of four cases justices added last week
A divided Indiana Supreme Court will let stand the lower court ruling that affirmed a lump sum Social Security Disability Insurance payment was not an asset of marriage subject to division.
The Indiana Supreme Court added to its docket a Marion County drug forfeiture case and a Lake County adoption matter.
The Indiana Supreme Court will leave in place the amount of disability benefits an Indianapolis police officer will receive after he was shot in the line of duty.
The Indiana Supreme Court will review reversal of a man’s conviction of possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon due to a police officer’s testimony about the man’s nickname.