Rucker farewell celebration Monday
A retirement celebration for Justice Robert D. Rucker, who will step down from the Indiana Supreme Court May 12, will take place at 12:30 p.m. Monday in the Supreme Court Courtroom.
A retirement celebration for Justice Robert D. Rucker, who will step down from the Indiana Supreme Court May 12, will take place at 12:30 p.m. Monday in the Supreme Court Courtroom.
After reversing a trial court’s decision to admit a plaintiff’s unauthorized immigrant status as evidence in his case for decreased earning capacity damages, the Indiana Supreme Court laid out a new framework Thursday for determining when immigration status can be admissible.
A criminal suspect had no expectation of privacy regarding the cellphone location information police obtained without a warrant before his arrest, a divided Indiana Supreme Court ruled in a 3-2 opinion issued Thursday.
A northern Indiana attorney who was involved in a Florida-based legal scheme that purported to assist clients in foreclosure and bankruptcy matters has been suspended from the practice of law for 30 days, the second of five Indiana attorneys involved with the Florida group to be disciplined by the Indiana Supreme Court.
The man convicted as the architect of a November 2012 home explosion that left two people dead and dozens of others injured will spend the rest of his life in prison after the Indiana Supreme Court affirmed his murder convictions and life without parole sentences on Tuesday.
In his last oral arguments on the bench of the Indiana Supreme Court, Justice Robert Rucker and three other justices considered the public standing doctrine and the concept of parens patriae as they weighed granting transfer to a case involving a dispute between a state agency and a local municipality.
The three people Gov. Eric Holcomb is considering as the next Indiana Supreme Court justice are a repeat-finalist former Gov. Mike Pence considered for the same position last year; a candidate who is a decade younger than the rest of the court; and a southern Indiana trial court judge elected to the bench as a Democrat.
The Indiana Supreme Court is denying a request from a lawyer who wanted his public records case against Vice President Mike Pence to be given a fresh look.
A divided Indiana Supreme Court has denied review to a tax case involving the use of vacant, or “dark,” retail store properties in determining tax assessments for similar-functioning retail properties, allowing the Indiana Tax Court’s ruling in the case to stand.
Discerning the true meaning of the term “market value-in-use” is the central task now before the Indiana Supreme Court as it considers whether to accept review of a tax case that attorneys say will have a far-reaching effect on Indiana’s assessment system.
In a case that defense counsel warns could allow the concept of res gestae to be reintroduced into the Indiana judiciary, the justices of the Indiana Supreme Court considered whether a gun that was not brandished during a northern Indiana altercation was relevant evidence that led to the appellants’ convictions.
A general contractor assumed a non-delegable duty of care to the employee of a sub-subcontractor through its contractual language, the Indiana Supreme Court decided Wednesday, reversing summary judgment to the general contractor on the issue of duty.
The clock is now ticking for Gov. Eric Holcomb to select Indiana’s next Supreme Court justice after he received an official letter describing the three finalists for a seat on the bench from Chief Justice Loretta Rush and the Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission.
The Indiana Supreme Court has turned down the request of a Gary man accused of slaying seven women to look at the constitutionality of the state's death penalty statute before he goes to trial.
Holding that state statute immunizes firearms sellers from damages claims brought after a third party misuses a gun purchased from their stores, a divided Indiana Supreme Court has dismissed a series of damages claims against an Indianapolis gun store. The justices did allow a claim for equitable relief to continue.
The Indiana Supreme Court has affirmed the denial of post-conviction relief to a man who said his attorney prejudiced him by referring to him as a “Negro” during the selection of jurors, but noted that the Court of Appeals misstated the legal standard of prejudice it applied when making its decision.
With the Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission’s stamp of approval next to their names, three trial court judges are waiting to learn who among them will be selected as the state’s next Supreme Court justice.
The Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission has picked the three finalists for the Indiana Supreme Court. The three, all judges, are seeking to replace Justice Robert Rucker, who will retire next month.
With the interview process complete, Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Loretta Rush and the Judicial Nominating Commission are now tasked with selecting three people to be considered as the next justice of the court. Interviews with the 11 semifinalists wrapped up Wednesday morning.
Retiring Indiana Supreme Court Justice Robert Rucker will assume senior judge status after he leaves his seat on the state’s highest bench next month.