
Rucker farewell celebration Monday

A retirement celebration for Justice Robert D. Rucker, who will step down from the Indiana Supreme Court May 12, will take place at 12:30 p.m. Monday in the Supreme Court Courtroom.

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Huntington attorney suspended for work with Florida company

A northern Indiana attorney who was involved in a Florida-based legal scheme that purported to assist clients in foreclosure and bankruptcy matters has been suspended from the practice of law for 30 days, the second of five Indiana attorneys involved with the Florida group to be disciplined by the Indiana Supreme Court.

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Justices affirm life sentences for Richmond Hill mastermind

The man convicted as the architect of a November 2012 home explosion that left two people dead and dozens of others injured will spend the rest of his life in prison after the Indiana Supreme Court affirmed his murder convictions and life without parole sentences on Tuesday.

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Supreme Court hears INDOT case during Rucker’s final oral arguments

In his last oral arguments on the bench of the Indiana Supreme Court, Justice Robert Rucker and three other justices considered the public standing doctrine and the concept of parens patriae as they weighed granting transfer to a case involving a dispute between a state agency and a local municipality.

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Justices consider case involving rejected doctrine of res gestae

In a case that defense counsel warns could allow the concept of res gestae to be reintroduced into the Indiana judiciary, the justices of the Indiana Supreme Court considered whether a gun that was not brandished during a northern Indiana altercation was relevant evidence that led to the appellants’ convictions.

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JNC sends letter to Holcomb about 3 justice finalists

The clock is now ticking for Gov. Eric Holcomb to select Indiana’s next Supreme Court justice after he received an official letter describing the three finalists for a seat on the bench from Chief Justice Loretta Rush and the Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission.

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Divided justices: Statute provides immunity to firearms sellers

Holding that state statute immunizes firearms sellers from damages claims brought after a third party misuses a gun purchased from their stores, a divided Indiana Supreme Court has dismissed a series of damages claims against an Indianapolis gun store. The justices did allow a claim for equitable relief to continue.

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3 finalists picked for Supreme Court

The Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission has picked the three finalists for the Indiana Supreme Court. The three, all judges, are seeking to replace Justice Robert Rucker, who will retire next month.

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Justice interviews wrap up as JNC works to pick finalists

With the interview process complete, Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Loretta Rush and the Judicial Nominating Commission are now tasked with selecting three people to be considered as the next justice of the court. Interviews with the 11 semifinalists wrapped up Wednesday morning.

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