

Rush proposes business court, makes pitch for e-filing funding

In her first State of Judiciary speech, Indiana Chief Justice Loretta Rush on Wednesday said the judiciary is “currently working on the development of a business court model focused on complex commercial litigation,” and urged the General Assembly to help fund the courts’ electronic filing initiative.

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Right-to-work court battle may not be over

Despite a series of court rulings upholding Indiana’s right-to-work law, unions are not stopping their efforts to have the law overturned. Some opponents are considering petitioning for a review by the Supreme Court of the United States as well as filing another lawsuit in Indiana state court.

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Supreme Court issues order on pretrial release

The Indiana Supreme Court plans to implement an evidence-based pretrial release program in Indiana, according to an order signed by Chief Justice Loretta Rush Monday. In order to do so, a study committee will develop and implement at least one pilot project.

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The changing face of the judiciary

When Loretta Rush was named chief justice of the Indiana Supreme Court in August, Indiana hit a milestone. For the first time, all of our state’s appellate courts were being led by women. Indiana Lawyer recently invited Indiana Chief Justice Loretta Rush, Indiana Court of Appeals Chief Judge Nancy Vaidik, Indiana Tax Judge Martha Wentworth and Chief Judge Robyn Moberly of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana’s Bankruptcy Court to discuss their career paths as well as the opportunities and challenges today’s courts and lawyers face.

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On 3-2 vote, justices deny transfer in Camp Tecumseh case

Litigation over a proposed large-scale hog farm opposed by a neighboring YMCA camp in northern Indiana won’t be reviewed by the Indiana Supreme Court. Justices decided last week in a 3-2 decision to deny transfer on the issue of where the case should be heard.

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Muncie City Court judge faces 13 counts of misconduct

The Indiana Judicial Qualifications Commission has filed disciplinary charges against a Muncie City Court judge, alleging she improperly incarcerated defendants and has failed to cooperate with the commission’s investigation into her conduct, which includes verbal altercations with her children’s father.

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Justices split over reducing meth sentence

Justices Brent Dickson and Mark Massa disagreed with their colleagues Wednesday that a Tippecanoe County man’s 40-year sentence for Class A felony dealing in methamphetamine needed to be revised.

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