
Massa mum on Rockport recusal

One of the first cases on the Indiana Supreme Court’s fall oral argument calendar also could be among its most controversial and biggest in terms of potential dollars at stake.

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Justices: Order giving grandmother visitation rights is void

Because a grandmother did not have standing under the terms of Indiana’s Grandparent Visitation Statute to pursue visitation, the Indiana Supreme Court affirmed the trial court’s finding that an original order granting visitation is void. The woman wanted to see her two grandchildren whose mother was murdered by the grandmother’s son.

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Justices take 4 cases, deny 21

The Indiana Supreme Court will hear an appeal of a case in which the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled that a public school construction project built through a foundation should have been subject to public bidding requirements.

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Justices: Center Township Small Claims court stays put

What’s been called the state’s busiest court will stay in the City-County Building in Indianapolis, the Indiana Supreme Court ordered Friday, blocking the Center Township trustee’s bid to relocate the court to a location on Fall Creek Parkway.

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