
Retirement ceremony planned for Justice David

Friends, family and colleagues will soon gather to say goodbye to the current longest-serving member of the Indiana Supreme Court. A celebration honoring retiring Justice Steven David’s career will be held at 2 p.m. Aug. 30 in the Supreme Court courtroom in Indianapolis.

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Justices grant transfer to waterlogged tenants’ dispute

After being buoyed by a win in the trial court then sunk by a reversal from an appellate panel, a group of Indianapolis businesses that sued after a sprinkler system broke and flooded their offices will be able to float their arguments again since the Indiana Supreme Court has granted transfer of their case.

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Going live? Broadcast pilot draws some interest, provides glimpse of future possibilities

Last month, the Indiana Supreme Court announced it was seeking the public’s input on a proposed rule amendment to Judicial Conduct Rule 2.17, which would give Indiana trial judges discretion to allow “news media” to broadcast, televise, record and photograph court proceedings. That’s as long as the cameras don’t distract court participants or impair the dignity of the proceedings, the proposed rule says.

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