IU Maurer students provide free tax help
Students at Indiana University Maurer School of Law are partnering with other IU students to offer more than 600 hours of volunteer tax preparation services in the coming months.
Students at Indiana University Maurer School of Law are partnering with other IU students to offer more than 600 hours of volunteer tax preparation services in the coming months.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has designated the Indiana University Maurer School of Law’s Center for Intellectual Property Research as the patent hub for the commonwealth of Kentucky, expanding the center’s previous designation as Indiana’s patent hub.
The lack of racial and ethnic diversity continues to frustrate law schools and the entire legal profession. Within Indiana, the students at the four law schools remain primarily white and male, according to the American Bar Association’s 2017 Standard 509 reports.
Three of Indiana’s four law schools have shrunk in recent years but the gender and racial profiles have remained fairly steady since 2015, according to the recently released in the Fall 2017 Standard 509 Reports from the American Bar Association.
Although nationally the number of 1L students starting law school in the 2017 fall semester increased, the 2017 first-year class enrolled Indiana’s four law schools declined by nearly 100 students compared to the class that began in 2016.
As the IU Maurer School of Law’s 175th year draws to a close, it’s an opportune time to celebrate some of the law school’s extraordinary women graduates. Their stories are powerful and inspiring, and I’m pleased to share just a few.
Chief Justice Loretta Rush said she was worried and concerned about slumping bar exam scores. She echoed the apprehension of many about the quality of students being admitted to law schools and she noted the format of the test itself may be impacting the results.
A novel Indiana study finds judges, lawyers and mediators broadly agree that mediation is likelier than trial proceedings to provide fair and satisfactory results for couples in family law cases. Researchers also suggest that mediators may be able to further improve outcomes by tailoring their styles to fit litigants’ circumstances.
As the Class of 2020 begins its legal studies and the Class of 2018 prepares for the bar exam and life as a lawyer, many will probably thinking about their financial security, debt and loan obligations. More than 85 percent of law students borrow, running up a tab that can flow to astronomical amounts.
Indiana University Maurer School of Law and the IU Wells Scholars Program announced a program Friday enabling IU students who are Wells Scholars to earn a bachelor’s degree and a Juris Doctor degree in six years instead of seven. The program includes full scholarship and living stipends of more than $175,000 for Indiana residents and $300,000 for nonresidents.
As classes begin again, Valparaiso University Law School is standing apart from other Indiana law schools as it welcomes an incoming 1L class of just 28 students, 73 percent smaller than the class that entered last year.
The Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law will begin offering free estate planning document preparation services this year to IU employees, students and parents who meet certain economic requirements.
His students, unaware that his home had burned down, presented him with the Leon H. Wallace Teaching Award in April, the highest teaching honor given at the law school.
A few months before law schools around the country begin a new academic year, the number of people applying for admission has slipped, with the greatest decline coming from applicants posting the highest LSAT scores.
Through his new blog, Legal Evolution, IU Maurer’s Bill Henderson wants to “provide lawyers, legal educators, and allied professionals with high-quality information to solve very difficult industry-specific problems.” Henderson’s website, legalevolution.org, was launched earlier this month in place of his former blog, The Legal Whiteboard.
A little more than half of the 2016 graduates of Indiana law schools have full-time, long-term jobs where bar passage is required, according to American Bar Association employment statistics.
Indiana Chief Justice Loretta Rush is among five Indiana University Maurer School of Law alumni who will be inducted into the school’s Academy of Law Alumni Fellows this week.
Although deans consistently disparage the annual rankings, the U.S. News & World Report’s 2018 Best Law Schools may have given Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law reason to cheer.
The Black Law Student Association chapter at Indiana University Maurer School of Law is hoping its success in the Midwest carries over to the 49th Annual Convention of the National Black Law Students Association.
The Indiana Tax Court will return to Bloomington this week to hear another case involving the Monroe County Assessor and the CVS Corporation.