Fashion show supports charity; international events include Indy professors
An annual Fashion show and auction in Bloomington helped raise more than $2,000. Two IU – Indy law professors have spoken at international events this month.
An annual Fashion show and auction in Bloomington helped raise more than $2,000. Two IU – Indy law professors have spoken at international events this month.
To learn more about a number of legal concerns that involve animal welfare – whether those issues involve pets, livestock, or even exotic animals – students at Indiana law schools have started organizations affiliated with the national Animal Legal Defense Fund.
Two years ago this month, an Indiana University Maurer School of Law professor was named to the transition team of President Barack Obama, not quite knowing where that experience would lead.
For the first time since she was nominated to a post in the Department of Justice, Dawn Johnsen will give a public lecture at Indiana University Maurer School of Law in Bloomington on Friday.
Indiana University Maurer School of Law – Bloomington recently hosted two appellate hearings at the law school’s moot court room.
When the Indiana State Bar Association gets law students, attorneys, professors, judges, court administrators, deans, and representatives of Indiana’s Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program, Disciplinary Commission, Board of Law Examiners, and the Indiana Bar Foundation are all in the same place for a few hours, some interesting dialogues are bound to take place.
An Indianapolis lawyer has gotten approval to become the next U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana, ending a three-year gap since last time a U.S. Senate confirmed leader held that post.
Three law students received the Access to Justice Program’s Pro Bono Award for performing the most pro bono in each of their respective classes.
Judicial recusals are a serious topic, but Indiana law professor Charles Geyh can’t help but wonder how much lawyers and the public really know about requests and reasons for judges to step away from a case.
The Indiana Supreme Court travels to Bloomington Monday to hear arguments in the case of a teenage girl who was injured by a golf ball while driving the beverage cart at a golf outing.
Ties between an Indiana law school and India were strengthened this summer as six students completed legal internships and
a professor began a study of that country’s trial courts.
Over the next three years, a professor at an Indiana law school will be working on a study of India’s trial courts as
part of a $261,000 grant from the Ford Foundation to a non-governmental association based in India.
The Sherman Minton Moot Court competition at Indiana University Maurer School of Law is seeking judges for this fall’s
The ninth conference aimed at solo and small firm attorneys in Indiana was a success according to organizers and those who attended, especially going by the number of law school students in attendance compared to previous years.
All four Indiana law schools had commencement ceremonies in May recognizing more than 800 graduates around the state.
In a rare move that may be used in only one other jurisdiction nationally, Judge David F. Hamilton on the 7th Circuit Court
of Appeals in Chicago plans to relocate his chambers from the Indianapolis courthouse where he’s from to the Indiana
University Maurer School of Law – Bloomington.
As a response to the Carnegie Foundation’s report, “Educating Lawyers: Preparation for the Profession of Law” released in
early 2007, an Indiana law school has been offering a mandatory class to 1Ls about the professional and ethical rigors of
the legal profession.
Indiana has lost a chance at having one of its own law professors be chosen to lead a top Department of Justice post, where
she would have helped advise the president and executive branch on questions about the Constitution and interpretation of
the law.
More than a year since she was first nominated to head the Office of Legal Counsel, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee March
4 approved Indiana law professor Dawn Johnsen along party lines for the second time.
Nearly four years after the death of the infamous former president of Serbia and the former Yugoslavia who was on trial for murder and crimes against humanity, an Indiana law school hosted The Milosevic Trial: An Autopsy, a conference of more than 20 experts on the trial of Slobodan Milosevic at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.