
Legal diversity leader to speak at IU McKinney

Robert Grey, Jr., president of the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity and retired senior counsel at the Richmond, Virginia-based Hunton & Williams law firm, will deliver the James P. White Lecture on Legal Education at IU McKinney later this month.

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Indiana law schools post 2-year bar passage rates

Calling it a “comprehensive report,” the American Bar Association released a series of spreadsheets March 22 which presented the ultimate two-year bar passage rate for 2015 graduates as well as the bar passage rates for first-time takers in 2016 and 2017 from each accredited law school.

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ABA proposal would allow law schools to offer more classes online

Under the current Standard 306, law schools may not grant more than 15 credit hours from online courses toward a J.D. degree, and may not enroll any first-year students in distance education. The proposed new rule would permit law schools to offer up to one-third of the credits for a J.D. degree online, and first-year students would be able to take up to 10 credits online.

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Indiana law schools post 2-year bar passage rates

Calling it a “comprehensive report,” the American Bar Association released a series of spreadsheets Thursday which presented the ultimate two-year bar passage rate for 2015 graduates as well as the bar passage rates for first-time takers in 2016 and 2017 from each accredited law school.

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Hoosier law schools fall in U.S News rankings

After three consecutive years of climbing in the U.S. News and World Report’s law school rankings, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney tumbled in the latest tabulation released Tuesday. IU Maurer and Notre Dame law schools also declined in the new rankings.

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IU McKinney seeks applicants for summer academy

Applications are available for the third annual Summer Law and Leadership Academy at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. The academy is a one-week law school immersion experience for undergraduate students who are considering law school, offering an inside look at life in law school and opportunities for law school graduates.

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Legal education still struggles to increase student diversity

The lack of racial and ethnic diversity continues to frustrate law schools and the entire legal profession. Within Indiana, the students at the four law schools remain primarily white and male, according to the American Bar Association’s 2017 Standard 509 reports.

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Indiana law schools post decline in enrollment

Although nationally the number of 1L students starting law school in the 2017 fall semester increased, the 2017 first-year class enrolled Indiana’s four law schools declined by nearly 100 students compared to the class that began in 2016.

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