It’s Renewal Time at IndyBar!
2023 is approaching — don’t miss out on a fantastic year with the IndyBar!
2023 is approaching — don’t miss out on a fantastic year with the IndyBar!
Private law firms aren’t for everybody, and some private practices and private attorneys are destined to struggle whether due to poor management, stagnate client development, shifting markets for their legal services or 100-year pandemics.
Criminal justice leaders in Indianapolis have looked at the disparities our system struggles with and are working to rebalance it.
A selection committee acting on behalf of the Indianapolis Bar Association and the Foundation has announced the selection of John F. Kautzman as the recipient of IndyBar’s prestigious Luminary Award of Excellence.
In addition to looking backward, the end of the year is also a great time for law firms to start looking forward. The last business quarter of the year is an excellent time to prepare your law firm for a successful next year.
The Government Practice Section’s GC CLE Series is designed to give practitioners, experts and law students a glimpse inside state regulatory agencies.
Whether it was a personal illness, the death of a loved one, e-learning with our kids, or just dealing with the inconvenience and stress caused by various disruptions to our routines (some more significant than others), it is fair to say that many of COVID-19’s impacts would have to be put on the negative side of any ledger. However, there were positives as well.
After paring down in-person events in 2020 and easing back into them in 2021, the IndyBar Foundation (IBF) has been very active in 2022.
Interested in participating in leadership as a member of the fundraising-focused 2023 IndyBar Foundation Board of Directors? The following vacancies exist and must be filled by an attorney member: vice president, secretary, treasurer, diversity, equity, and inclusion accountability director and several director positions.
IndyBar’s Women and the Law Division (WLD) is pleased to announce Magistrate Judge Doris Pryor as the 2022 Antoinette Dakin Leach (ADL) Award winner.
The Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Indiana will be bringing together the candidates for secretary of state to discuss voting and election laws next week. All three candidates who will be on the ballot in November have been invited, but only Democrat Destiny Wells and Libertarian Jeffrey Maurer have confirmed they will be attending.
IndyBar’s Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) is getting an update.
How easy are we making it for others to compromise client confidentiality or client privacy? A few simple tips can make obtaining client information that much harder.
This article was originally published in Indiana Lawyer in 2020. Our authors recognize that some references are dated; however, the content is continually relevant to practitioners and is being reprinted for those that missed it the first time.
In its fifth year, IndyBar’s E-Discovery Day will take place Friday, Dec. 2, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at IndyBar Headquarters.
Having a more uplifting mindset can pave the way for improved mental and physical health and impact our daily work and our relationships in a positive way.
Hosted by IndyBar’s Professionalism Committee, the annual softball game brought out some of IndyBar’s best and most athletic members.
On Friday, Sept. 30, the IndyBar Foundation will be hosting Law Prom at The Alexander hotel in downtown Indianapolis.
In 2010, the IndyBar Appellate Practice Section was discussing ways to help its members and improve the quality of advocacy in the Indiana Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. The section took a bold step by creating a new program: the Indiana Appellate Institute.
Created in 2022, the Masters Division of the Indianapolis Bar Association provides resources and programming for lawyers in our local legal community who have 25 years or more of service to our profession.