Indybar: President’s Message: Yes, You CAN Do it All!
The Indianapolis Bar Association provides a number of amazing multitasking outlets for those of us that thrive on killing a number of birds with one stone.
The Indianapolis Bar Association provides a number of amazing multitasking outlets for those of us that thrive on killing a number of birds with one stone.
The nomination period has begun for the 2023 Board of Directors of the Indianapolis Bar Association, and Holly Wanzer of Wanzer Edwards PC has been appointed to chair the effort.
Our subject today is the ubiquitous, but seemingly ingrained and unchallenged, use of phrases such as “throw out,” “threw out,” “tossed” and “tossed out” to describe certain decisions of courts of all kinds and at all levels. In years past, the blame lay chiefly with reporters and news outlets. Today, of course, such short shrift is the medium of not only journalists (sadly) but also bloggers, social media influencers and, worst of all, regular folks, into whose everyday vocabulary these lazy and frankly damaging shortcuts have crept. Colleagues, it is up to us to do our part to end this scourge!
Earlier this month, Apple announced the latest update to the operations system that’s installed on your iPhone. Apple calls it iOS 16 (iPhone Operating System 16). After you read this post, Apple and iOS 16 may be off your holiday card list. If iOS 16 was a friend, some might consider canceling dinner plans with them. You might even unfriend them on Facebook.
Yes, clients want your expertise and to talk about the legal process and state of the case, but they may not want you to schedule appointments with them, take a check from them or sit down for a signing meeting. And in reality, much of that is a waste of time for the attorney — who should be billing high value cases or marketing for them.
Friends of the IndyBar Foundation Kicked Off Summer at the Block Party on May 26
IndyBar’s James Bell shares a story about teaching his soon responsibility.
If you’re looking to build a modern law firm, you need to stop flying by the seat of your pants and invest in systems for the long haul.
Here are seven reasons tonic and lime is the unrivaled work event beverage.
On May 11, IndyBar members and friends gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of our community’s beloved paralegals at the annual Paralegal Appreciation Luncheon.
When it comes to marketing content, most lawyers are concerned about what to write. But in reality, the more important question is how to write.
Let’s talk about decorum in the courtroom.
The 2022 IndyBar Bench Bar Conference will once again showcase both legal education and an opportunity for fun and networking! Saturday’s closing plenary session will be the second annual Juneteenth holiday Celebration: The Spirit of Our Journey.
Thomas Michael Quinn, a real estate attorney credited with shaping commercial development in Indianapolis, died May 14. He was 85.
The Indianapolis Bar Association has selected 21 emerging attorney leaders to participate in its Bar Leader Series.
The IndyBar Foundation expresses sincere gratitude to the 2022 Distinguished Fellows and Distinguished Life Fellows for their long and continuing support of our profession and community.
There is, in fact, no shortage of life events that should invoke the idea of contacting an estate planning attorney to see if any changes are required to an individual’s estate plan.
The mission of Indy Legal Alliance is to promote and support a thriving, diverse, equitable and inclusive Indianapolis legal community that works together to support law students and lawyers and advance justice in the broader community.