
IndyBar: Reach for Youth to Receive 2021 $35,000 Indianapolis Bar Foundation Community Empowerment Fund Grant

Reach for Youth Inc. has been named the 2021 recipient of the Indianapolis Bar Foundation’s Community Empowerment Fund grant of $35,000. Reach for Youth will use the funds to pilot a Restorative Justice Circles model, which diverts young people from suspension, expulsion and the justice system by helping them understand the negative consequences of their actions, how they impact others and how to restore and repair relationships.

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IndyBar: Help Us Honor Excellence: Nominations Now Open for IndyBar Recognition and Professionalism Awards

Nominations are being accepted for the following IndyBar awards: the Dr. John Morton Finney Jr. Award for Excellence in Legal Education; the Young Lawyer of the Year Award; the IndyBar Pro Bono Awards, which are presented in four categories: Practicing Attorney, Law Firm, Law Student and Paralegal; and the Professionalism Awards, which include the Professionalism Award, the Silver Gavel Award and the Unsung Hero Award.

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IndyBar: IP at the Supreme Court in 2021

Professor Marshall Leaffer of the Indiana University Maurer School of Law will provide his thoughts on the Google v. Oracle decision in the upcoming IP at the Supreme Court in 2021 seminar hosted by the IndyBar on Sept. 10.

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