
IndyBar: Does Anyone Else Miss the Red Drink Tickets? How to Network During a Pandemic and Beyond

As a small-firm practitioner who makes her money by providing personal legal services, networking is vital for the continued source of clients I need to support my business and keep my associates busy. Planning committees, nonprofit boards, volunteering, social gatherings and local events were my go-to formula for expanding my circles and getting my name and face in front of people who needed to hire a lawyer for highly personal and sometimes sensitive reasons. They needed to have met me in person. They needed my name to come from someone they knew and trusted. At least, that is what I believed to be the only way, until that way no longer existed. And I am not just saying its disappearance is because of the pandemic.

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IndyBar: Body Language Expert and Celebrity Lie Detector to Open Bench Bar 2021

“What if you could get exactly what you want in life by reading and understanding the body language of murderers?” asks Janine Driver, New York Times best-selling author and award-winning keynote speaker. With more than 16 years of experience as a federal law enforcement officer within the Department of Justice, Driver will be presenting the opening plenary session for the 2021 Bench Bar Conference in Louisville from June 17-19.

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IndyBar: The Courage to Send an Email

If you haven’t heard of Brene Brown, you should look up her documentary “Brene Brown: The Call to Courage” for some laughs and solid advice about how to grow into a better version of ourselves by embracing vulnerability.

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IndyBar: The Indiana Legislature is Now in Session

I am extremely proud to inform you that your Indianapolis Bar Association leadership is diligently engaged in the task of carefully evaluating proposed bills and making the thoughtful determination regarding whether to take action to support, oppose or suggest amendments. It has been absolutely inspiring to watch our IndyBar section leadership wholeheartedly embrace this daunting task on behalf of our members and our clients.

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IndyBar: Tea and Pivoting with the IndyBar & IBF

While the IndyBar and Indianapolis Bar Foundation’s successes are due in large part to the generosity and dedication of our community, the leadership, boards, and staff pirouetted through the minefields of 2020 like a barefoot parent dodging Legos on a hardwood floor.

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