
IndyBar Guest Column: What I’ve Learned from 2020 and What I Hope for in 2021

There were a lot of things I was going to do this year, places I was going to go (conferences in French Lick, AFCC in New Orleans, a girls’ trip to Hilton Head … gone but not forgotten, clearly) that just went completely off the rails. Instead, I learned some things, experienced some “personal growth” and so far, I’ve survived. I thought I’d share some things in case you were feeling alone, or want to feel superior, or are just looking for some product suggestions.


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IndyBar: Professional and Technical Civility in Electronic Discovery — Five Tips on How to Avoid a “Discovery War”

Electronic discovery — like discovery generally — can bring out the best and the worst in lawyers, potentially turning any discovery dispute into a full-blown “discovery war.” But it doesn’t have to be this way! It’s possible to navigate the process in an amicable manner without losing sight of your client’s needs. Here are five suggestions for promoting professional and technical civility in the e-discovery process.

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IndyBar: Start Gifting with IndyBar’s Giving!

For 2020 (and likely 2021,) in lieu of the annual gala, the IndyBar Foundation will host an online holiday auction: IndyBar’s Giving. This special event will take place during the week of Thanksgiving in an effort to kick-start holiday shopping and get members into the holiday spirit.

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IndyBar Sections and Divisions Need You: Apply to Serve on a Committee!

Each year, the IndyBar offers hundreds of educational programs, social events and opportunities for community involvement, all while introducing new resources and services to serve members of the legal profession. None of these important contributions would be possible without the work of many lawyers, paralegals and law students behind the scenes on section and division executive committees.

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