
Web Exclusive: IndyBar Foundation crisis fund benefits lawyers, Hoosiers in financial squeeze

In light of the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Indianapolis Bar Foundation earlier this month implemented a new fund called the Crisis Empowerment Grant Program. The fund’s goal is two-fold: to put dollars in the pockets of lawyers who may be struggling to make ends meet while continuing to provide free legal services to central Indiana families through four local agencies.

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IndyBar Free Fridays From Home — Free CLE Online and Tips for Taking Your Own Headshot

During this challenging time, the IndyBar is dedicated to making many of our services, resources and tools available to members online so that you can keep thriving in your practice, even from home! While IndyBarHQ is closed, we’re excited to continue offering monthly free CLE as a part of the Free Fridays initiative, which you can access during April and May from the comfort of your own home!

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IndyBar President’s Column: Find the Good!

There is no doubt that keeping up a remote law practice in a precarious economy has been challenging — clients are eagerly trying to find ways to manage their legal budgets, and there is a constant stream of legal updates, alerts and webinars to draft and read (including from the IndyBar!) But, there has been exceptional good professionally as well.

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IndyBar: Top Resolutions for Family Law Attorneys for 2020

The IndyBar Family Law Section mission is, “the Family Law Section believes we have the collective ability to shape the practice of family law. Every day we strive to change the status quo for family law attorneys because there is a better way.” How can we avoid ratcheting up the emotion? How can we be the calm in the storm?

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IndyBar: Parenting Time, Spring Break and the Coronavirus

As family law practitioners, we are well aware of the challenges that surround scheduling vacations and travel during school breaks. It isn’t uncommon to have disagreements about where and when children should travel, not to mention with whom. However, the rapid and unpredictable spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), just in time for spring break, has lent new urgency to this issue.

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