
IndyBar: It’s Hard to Be a Client

Space limitations for this column will not allow all the details of our adventure in adopting Eva and in being clients of a Kenyan lawyer, but the entire experience helped me better understand how our clients feel when they are battling serious problems and engage us for guidance and resolution.

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IndyBar: Support and Kindness from the Other Side — An Uplifting Family Bar

From divorce, custody, parenting time and guardianships to grandparent rights, family law can be very messy and emotionally draining. When I tell people what I do for a living, the most frequent responses are something along the lines of, “oh, I don’t think I could do that,” or “that must be very difficult.” Typically, however, my opposing counsel is not difficult, exhausting, or otherwise adding fuel to the fire.

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IndyBar: Join us for Member Appreciation Month!

It’s our passion at the IndyBar to help you demonstrate greater productivity, greater profitability, and greater purpose in the legal profession. That’s why we’re taking the entire month of September to show just how much we appreciate YOU.

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IndyBar Frontlines

The nomination period for IndyBar’s 2020 Board of Directors closes this Friday, Aug. 23, and it’s up to you to help determine the future of your local bar association! Several positions will be available in 2020. Read more and apply at

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IndyBar: Oni N. Harton — Giving Critical Care through Pro Bono Service

Since 2011, Oni Harton has been providing legal services on a pro bono basis to terminally ill patients in hospice care to assist them with estate planning and administration matters at the most vital time of the patient/client’s life. When Oni is called upon for her volunteer pro bono service, she chooses to drop everything and attend to it. Simply put, there is no time to wait.

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IndyBar: Guest Column — Fundraising Hits and Misses

The focus of the Indianapolis Bar Foundation is to raise money for our community, and I’m very proud of our efforts each year. Many charitable organizations have ups and downs when it comes to fundraising, and I’ve seen a few of my own personal fundraising hits and misses over the years outside of the IBF. For your entertainment, here are just a few.

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IndyBar: Coming in 2020: The Solo/Small Firm Division

The IndyBar is determined to help Indianapolis solo and small firm practitioners meet their unique needs through the brand new Solo/Small Firm Division! Focused on programming, networking and business development opportunities specifically tailored to this large group of attorneys, the division will aim to give solo and small firm practitioners a home within the IndyBar.

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Indybar Frontlines

Nominations are being accepted for the 2019 Antoinette Dakin Leach Award and attorney and judicial professionalism awards.

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IndyBar: Coworking Spaces in the Legal Industry

“Lawyer-only” coworking facilities are popping up in bigger cities. Coworking facilities help address confidentiality concerns and other lawyer-specific concerns while saving a small/solo practitioner money by reducing overhead and allowing a la carte pricing, depending on one’s needs.

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IndyBar: The Least You Can Do Might Be Just Enough

I’ve always been fascinated by the law of unknown consequences. Books have been written and movies have been made about the dominos that fall after some seemingly random act. But most of these stories are negative. We focus less on the positive, perhaps because we hear less about it. Yet I would argue that we have overlooked one of the most important aspects of human existence — the positive impact we can have on others whom we may never see again.

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IndyBar: What Do You Do When the Custodial Parent Passes?

It’s a phone call or email that no family law attorney wants to hear in a divorce case — that the custodial parent has passed away in a case where the noncustodial parent had supervised parenting time. Apart from your own personal reaction, there are questions whirling through your mind — does custody automatically transfer to the other parent? Even if their parenting time was restricted? What action do I need to take regarding the custody of the child?

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