
IndyBar: Ask a Lawyer

Volunteer IndyBar attorneys, paralegals and law students were scattered across Indianapolis on Tuesday, April 9 for the biannual Ask a Lawyer legal advice program.

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IndyBar: Melissa Hathaway Named Paralegal of the Year

The Indianapolis Bar Association is proud to recognize Melissa Hathaway of Lewis Wagner LLP as the association’s Paralegal of the Year for 2019. Hathaway will be honored with the award at the IndyBar Paralegal Appreciation Luncheon on Wednesday, May 29 at the Skyline Club.

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IndyBar: When Maslow’s Hierarchy Is Irrelevant

In college, I learned about the “hierarchy of needs,” is a five-stage model, depicted as a pyramid by psychologist Abraham Maslow, in which human needs progress from basic needs (food, water and warmth) through psychological needs (intimate relationships) and peaking with self-fulfillment needs (self-actualization). What I did not comprehend as a college student was how many in our country are in situations that do not allow the luxury of fulfillment of psychological needs, let alone the dream of attaining self-actualization.

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Leading legal scholar to talk SCOTUS in Indianapolis

One of the nation’s foremost legal scholars will be featured in an upcoming discussion in Indianapolis exploring the current United States Supreme Court and its future. Dean Erwin Chemerinsky of the University of California Berkeley School of Law, formerly founding dean of the UC Irvine School of Law, will be the featured guest at an Indianapolis Bar Association event Monday, April 29, from 1:30 to 6 p.m.

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IndyBar: Reflecting on 50 Years of Life in the Profession

Events of 50 years ago remain clear in the minds of our colleagues who’ve been fortunate enough to have practiced law since then. We had the chance to talk with a few of them to gain insight into just a few of the things that have changed and the advice they have for practitioners today.

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IndyBar: Celebrating the Practice of Law, 25 and 50 Years at a Time

We will honor 18 attorneys who have achieved 50 years of practice and 62 attorneys who have practiced for 25 years on May 9 at the Woodstock Club for the annual Practice Milestone Celebration. Each of these attorneys has a remarkable story of hard work, dedication and commitment. I wish I could write a column about them all, but I only have room to focus on three 50-year practitioners who have personally impacted me in my career.

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IndyBar: Bearing the Burden of Reasoned Argument

Once armed with the facts, the lawyer may then apply the rules to the facts. Whether ultimately successful or not, a well-reasoned application of the law to the proper set of facts is one of the most satisfying efforts in our profession.

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IndyBar: Make a Difference — Volunteer for Free Wills Clinic on April 16

Attorneys, paralegals and law students are needed as volunteers to do intake, conduct private legal consultations with qualified applicants, draft paperwork and witness document signing. Estate planning attorneys are needed but non-probate-savvy attorneys will also be put to good use. Have a notary license? You’re needed too!

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IndyBar: Applications Now Accepted for $35,000 Impact Fund Grant

For more than 50 years, the Indianapolis Bar Foundation (IBF) has worked to ensure equal access to justice for all Indianapolis-area residents. In an effort to expand this mission impact on the greater Indianapolis community, applications from local organizations are now being accepted through May 31 for the IBF’s annual Impact Fund grant. The grant will be awarded in August 2019.

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IndyBar: Nominate by April 10 for the Paralegal of the Year Award!

Building an efficient work team is imperative when the goal is to best serve your clients. A paralegal can be a fundamental component of an effective team. Take time to recognize the hard work of an exceptional paralegal by nominating him or her for the 2019 IndyBar Paralegal of the Year Award!

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