Indianapolis Bar Association
IndyBar: Sections and Divisions Need You!
As 2018 ticks to a close, IndyBar sections and divisions are in the process of evaluating their committee rosters and determining vacancies for 2019. Now is the perfect time to indicate your interest in serving on a committee.
IndyBar: Students, Apply to Serve on the Law Student Division Executive Board!
The fall 2018 nomination period for the Indianapolis Bar Association’s Law Student Division Executive Board has begun and we want you to be our next board member!
IndyBar: Give Back, for Two Hours Only: Attorney and Paralegal Volunteers Needed for Ask A Lawyer on October 9
Don’t have much time, but want to lend a hand? Ask A Lawyer, a two-hour legal advice program, may be right for you.
IndyBar: Looking Back to the 1982 Indianapolis Bar Foundation Charter Fellows
For me, looking back on the list of the Indianapolis Bar Foundation’s Charter Fellows is a fascinating reminder of the lawyers who cared enough about this city and legal community to want to make it better.
IndyBar: Tricks for the Trade of Growing Your Legal Practice
Thinking back to when I was forming my own practice, it would have been a lot easier if I had tools and resources like the IndyBar’s Practice Builder and Business Builder at my disposal.
IndyBar: Make a Difference — Volunteer for the Free Wills Clinic on October 16!
Attorneys, paralegals and law students are needed as volunteers to do intake, conduct private legal consultations with qualified applicants, draft paperwork and witness document signing for an upcoming free wills clinic.
IndyBar: Kevin Tyra — A Pro for Pro Bono
What you’ll find unique about Kevin Tyra’s contribution to pro bono work in our community is that his commitment is not restricted to the time he invests providing services, but more remarkably that he took the initiative to develop a new outlet for the provision of pro bono legal services when he co-founded the Ozanam Free Legal Clinic.

IndyBar: 4-Year-Old Soccer, Being Undefeated and Attorney Wellness
I don’t like to brag, but I’m going to go ahead and say it: I’m undefeated. As head coach of a 4-year-old soccer team, I’ve never lost a single game. Of course, it helps that I’m in a recreational league where keeping track of wins and losses is forbidden.
IndyBar: Need to Get Involved or Give Back? Go to the Golden Gala — It’s a Party!
Each year, the Indianapolis Bar Foundation hosts an annual fundraising gala – the Evening Under the Stars. This year’s event is quickly approaching and promises to be one of the best yet! The gala is a wonderful opportunity to network with peers in the legal community and give back to the IBF.
IndyBar: Volunteers Needed for Fall Paternity Court Mediation Day, October 5
The IndyBar ADR Section Executive Committee is pleased to announce that we will host our Fall Mediation Day on October 5, 2018, at Barnes & Thornburg LLP. Through Mediation Day, we provide a service to our courts and community by volunteering our time to mediate several screened cases for litigants who qualify for modest means mediation.
IndyBar: WLD Awards Chief Judge Robyn Moberly 2018 Antoinette Dakin Leach Award
Moberly Each year, the IndyBar Women and the Law Division presents the Antoinette Dakin Leach Award to recognize the accomplishments of a female attorney in central Indiana. The award is named in honor of Antoinette Dakin Leach, one of the first women admitted to the Indiana Bar. The spirit of Antoinette Dakin Leach lives on […]
IndyBar: Attorney and Paralegal Volunteers Needed for Ask A Lawyer on October 9
Don’t have much time, but want to lend a hand? Ask A Lawyer, a two-hour legal advice program, may be right for you.

IndyBar: McMillian to Lead Indianapolis Bar Association in 2021
The Indianapolis Bar Association’s Nominating Committee has announced the selection of Jimmie McMillian as the 2021 President of the Indianapolis Bar Association. McMillian will serve as the association’s First Vice President on the 2019 Board of Directors and as President-Elect in 2020.
IndyBar: The Indianapolis Bar Foundation Needs You
The responsibility to reform our office space creates an incredible opportunity for all of us to demonstrate to our legal community, the citizens of Central Indiana and to those similarly situated communities in the United States how the IndyBar is on the cutting-edge by creating an office facility that will be welcoming to young lawyers, as well as experienced practitioners.
IndyBar: Help Us Honor Excellence
This fall, IndyBar members will be honored for their contributions to our legal community. The Indianapolis legal community is fortunate to be home to many talented, dedicated professionals, and we need your help in identifying our colleagues who went above and beyond this past year!
IndyBar: Save Your Spot for the Can’t-Miss Advanced Business Litigation Summit on September 12!
Calling all business litigators! We’re bringing together more than 15 of the brightest legal minds in business litigation for the top-notch Advanced Business Litigation Summit on September 12.
IndyBar: How to Avoid the Summertime Blues … Next Year
If you’re anything like me, your summer as a family law attorney is usually fraught with way more work than usual. In addition to the school choice and family relocation cases, there are all the summer parenting time issues that you — and your clients — didn’t know were issues.
IndyBar: A Golden Gala — Get Your Babysitter Ready
Busy lawyers always need a night to relax, and there’s no better place than Evening Under the Stars. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Indianapolis Bar Foundation, and the event will be extra special.
IndyBar: Participants selected for the Bar Leader Series Class XVI
The Bar Leader Series Steering Committee has finalized the roster for its 16th class. Congratulations to the upcoming participants!