Indianapolis Bar Association
IndyBar: Around the Bar
IndyBar Bar Leader Series alumni and current series participants teamed up on Tuesday, January 17, for a service event at Gleaners Food Bank.
IndyBar: Straight Talk from the Statehouse Lawyer-Legislator Program Feb. 15
Hear an update on pending legislation and get to know Indiana legislators at the IndyBar’s 11th annual gathering of the bar and Indiana lawyer legislators, hosted by the bar’s Legislative Committee. Attorneys who are state senators and representatives will lead a lively discussion during the luncheon on Wednesday, February 15 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Skyline Club.
IndyBar Releases Statement Following Justice Center Site Selection
On Tuesday, January 31, Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett announced the site selection for the city’s new justice center complex. The IndyBar, through its Justice Center Task Force, released the following statement.
IndyBar: Stay Up to Date on Legislation That Matters to You with Bill Watch Reports
Save time and find the legislation that matters to you and your practice with IndyBar Bill Watch reports, now available for the 2017 legislative session. Bill Watch is a service of the IndyBar Legislative Committee. Through the support of Faegre Baker Daniels LLP, the IndyBar distributes an updated report during each week of the session to members indicating the progress and recent actions taken on the bills being monitored by the association.
New for 2017: Free Fridays at the IndyBar
Get more from your membership this year with Free Fridays at the IndyBar! We’ll be saving you time and money each month with these complimentary services. All offerings take place at the IndyBar office.
IndyBar: Denise Hayden Receives 2016 Family Law Section Award
The IndyBar Family Law Section selected Denise Hayden of the Law Office of Jessica S. Lacy to receive the annual Family Law Section Award.
IndyBar: Let’s Get Suited Up!
‘Tis the season to clean out your closet! From IndyBar’s Law Student Division and Young Lawyers Division, it’s once again time to help get central Indiana students “Suited Up” for success.
IndyBar: Pro Bono for Any Schedule
Volunteers are now being sought for three IndyBar pro bono programs that allow members to choose to dedicate just an hour or two or a longer-term commitment.
IndyBar: Competition Heats Up for a Good Cause at IBF Trivia
View photos from a Dec. 13 IBF Trivia Night.
The IndyBar Celebrates the Season of Giving
Several IndyBar sections and divisions organized community service events that served in a variety of ways this year, from meal preparation to hosting a holiday party.
IndyBar: Notice of Proposed Amendments to Local Rules
The judges of the Marion County Courts have given notice of proposed amendments to the Marion County Local Court Rules. The proposed amendments would eliminate fax filings in Marion Circuit and Superior Court.
IndyBar Shares Feedback with Mayor’s Task Force
As we have previously reported, Mayor Joe Hogsett has expressed interest in improving our Marion County justice processes.
IndyBar: Welcome to the Quarter-Century Club!
2016 marks the 25th year of practice for 60 IndyBar members. The IndyBar congratulates these members on this landmark and thanks them for their dedication to the profession.
IndyBar: Coming in 2017: Free Fridays at the IndyBar
Get more from your membership in 2017 with Free Fridays at the IndyBar! We’ll be saving you time and money each month with these complimentary services. All offerings take place at the IndyBar office.
IndyBar: Save the Date for the 2017 Installation Luncheon
Make sure to mark your brand-new 2017 calendar now for the upcoming Indianapolis Bar Association and Foundation Installation Luncheon, which will take place on Wednesday, January 18, 2017, from noon to 1 p.m. at the Columbia Club.
IndyBar prepares to launch technology-focused section in 2017
More legal professionals are beginning to recognize the importance of aligning the practice of law with new technologies, so the Indianapolis Bar Association is launching its new E-Discovery, Information Governance and Cybersecurity Section in 2017 to aid attorneys as they adapt emerging technologies to their legal practices.