
IndyBar: National Purchasing Partners: Big Savings, Bigger Impact

IndyBar members now have the benefit of discounts on travel, office supplies, cellular devices and plans and much more through a new agreement with National Purchasing Partners (NPP), a group purchasing organization (GPO) created to leverage the purchasing power of a group of businesses to obtain discounts from world class vendors.

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Abrams: Resolutions for the New Year from the IndyBar

While I am effectively a lame duck president writing this article and while my successor, John Trimble, effectively began his term at 12:01 AM on Jan. 1st, he is not sworn in until Jan. 29, 2015, and thus I have the role of continuing to write two more articles for your reading pleasure.

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Innovative networking tool connects lawyers across practices

Some are good at networking, others not so good. With the development of the Indianapolis Bar Association’s Indy Attorneys Network Section, lawyers old and new, those skilled at networking and those not as adept, have found there are always opportunities to meet and connect with colleagues and that doing so builds camaraderie and strengthens the local legal community.

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Abrams: For the in-house attorneys

I recently led a panel discussion among three in-house attorneys, J. Scott Enright with Emmis Communications, Ann Dee with Duke Realty and Chad Pryor with HighPoint Global. The panel was convened in coordination with a corporate counsel survey conducted by the Indiana Lawyer and co-sponsored by Benesch.

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IndyBar: Blomquist Honored with Antoinette Dakin Leach Award

Each year, the IndyBar Women and the Law Division presents the Antoinette Dakin Leach Award to recognize the accomplishments of a female attorney in central Indiana. The award is named in honor of Antoinette Dakin Leach, one of the first women admitted to the Indiana Bar.

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Abrams: A Loss for Civility

Last month, Zeff Weiss, a friend of mine, a friend to his partners, a friend to the Real Estate and Land Use Section, a friend to many, and a father of four and husband of a fellow attorney passed away from a short battle with cancer.

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IndyBar: Around the Bar

New admittees to the Indiana Bar gathered with seasoned pros to get the scoop on what it’s REALLY like to practice law in Indy at the IndyBar’s New Admittee Roundtable and Reception on Monday, November 17.

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