Indianapolis Bar Association
IndyBar: New Pause for Professionalism Video Available
Civility In Administrative Hearings
IndyBar: Shortridge High School to Host Naturalization Ceremony
Students at Shortridge Magnet High School for Law & Public Policy will experience the final step to becoming an American citizen first-hand on Thursday, May 1, at 10 a.m. as the school hosts a naturalization ceremony for individuals seeking citizenship.
Duncan: You can make an impact with the IBF
The Board of Directors and Committee Chairs of your Indianapolis Bar Foundation (IBF) are hard at work steadfastly planning another great year for the IBF. While the planning efforts are in full swing, we need your help to make our initiatives a success in 2014.
IndyBar: ‘The Best Style “Handbook”’ For Lawyers and Judges (Part II)
George Orwell rejected the notion that “we cannot by conscious action do anything about” the decline of language, and he believed instead that “the process is reversible.” The essay’s capstones, the subjects of this Part II, were his diagnosis of the maladies that afflicted writing, followed by his six curative rules.
IndyBar: Participating in the IndyBar Diversity Job Fair
Roxana Bell writes about what it’s like to attend the IndyBar Diversity Job Fair as a student participant and as a practitioner.
IndyBar: Indianapolis Bar Foundation to Award $35,000 Grant
The Indianapolis Bar Foundation (IBF) is now accepting applications through April 1 for its Impact Fund Grant of at least $35,000 to be awarded in late May 2014. Application instructions and additional information can be found at
Abrams: 5 Things I Wish I Had Known My First Year Of Practicing Law
After having the luxury of practicing law for over 30 years and looking back on the first few years of practice, there are several things that I have learned that I sure wish I had known as a young lawyer.
IndyBar: ‘The Best Style “Handbook”’ For Lawyers and Judges (Part I)
Like other Americans, lawyers and judges most remember British novelist and essayist George Orwell (1903-1950) for his two signature books, Animal Farm and 1984. Somewhat less known is his abiding passion about the craft of writing. It was a lifelong passion, fueled (as Christopher Hitchins recently described) by Orwell’s “near visceral feeling for the English language.”
IndyBar: Bar Leaders Impact Community Through Class XI Service Projects
A core aspect of the IndyBar Bar Leader Series is the development and execution of a community service team projects by series participants. This facet of the program gives participants a unique opportunity to take community engagement a step further by putting the knowledge and skills that they’ve learned in the series to practical use for the benefit of the community.
IndyBar: New Pause for Professionalism Video Available
In the newest installment of the IndyBar Professionalism Committee’s Pause for Professionalism video series, Marion County Deputy Prosecutor Kathy Infanger explains the purpose and role of the Marion County Community Court.
IndyBar: Practice-Area Specific Bill Watch Postings Available
Save time and find the legislation that matters to you and your practice. The IndyBar’s weekly Bill Watch reports are now being broken down into practice-area specific posts that highlight the pending bills of particular concern to different sections within the bar.
Abrams: Compliments are Easy to Accept
One thing that we constantly hear from other organizations is how forward thinking and progressive the IndyBar is compared to other bar associations in the country. We received requests from other bar execs for their officers to spend time with us and “pick our brains” on how to successfully manage and operate a bar association.
IndyBar: Nod to Professionalism
The Indianapolis Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Professionalism is pleased to acknowledge the professionalism and civility of Katherine Flood of Flood Family Law LLC and Tricia Milanese of Milanese Law LLC.
Indianapolis Bar Association Clarifies Position on Proposed Criminal Justice Complex Location
The Indianapolis Bar Association continues to support efforts to explore all opportunities to create a safe, adequate and dignified justice center for Marion County.
IBF accepting applications for $35,000 grant
The Indianapolis Bar Foundation is now accepting applications for its Impact Fund Grant, which is awarded to a nonprofit that seeks to make a significant positive impact in central Indiana.