Indianapolis Bar Association
Blomquist: Inspiring the Next Generation in the Shadow of Greatness
As the Indianapolis Public Schools Magnet School for Law and Public Policy, Shortridge has been designed to be the chosen path for future lawyers, legislators, business leaders and policymakers from Indianapolis.
IndyBar: Interrogatories with Hon. Jane Magnus-Stinson
A Candid Q&A with the Bench and Bar.
IndyBar: Final Appointments Made for 2014 Board of Directors
The slate for the 2014 Indianapolis Bar Association Board of Directors is now complete with the appointment of four Vice Presidents and the Counsel to the Board by President-Elect Jeffrey A. Abrams of Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff LLP.

Program provides lawyers trial run at oral argument
A novel program offered by the Indianapolis Bar Association and the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law in Indianapolis, the Indiana Appellate Institute gives lawyers a trial run in which they can practice their arguments before a panel of volunteer lawyers and sometimes former judges and justices.
Around the IndyBar: Hon. Tanya Walton Pratt Honored with 2013 Antoinette Dakin Leach Award
Hon. Tanya Walton Pratt of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana was honored with the Women and the Law Division’s Antoinette Dakin Leach Award at the Antoinette Dakin Leach Award Celebration Luncheon on Friday, Oct. 25.
Help Others and Get Free CLE: IndyBar to Co-Host Pro Bono Trainings
The IndyBar Pro Bono Standing Committee, along with other legal and community organizations, will co-host two pro bono program trainings in the coming weeks.
IndyBar: Plus CLE Expanded to All Sections, Divisions for 2014
Times are changing in the world of mandatory continuing legal education (CLE). At one time, few providers for continuing legal education existed in the state. Now, a simple Google search for continuing legal education in Indianapolis nets more than 80,000 results.
Blomquist: A Shout Out for Humility and Knowing When to Ask
You are probably receiving your IndyBar membership renewal forms right about now. Take a moment to review the new format to realize that the legal world is indeed your oyster.
IndyBar Green Legal Initiative Recognizes 27 Firms, Legal Departments for 2013
The IndyBar Go Green Committee, a sub-committee of the Young Lawyers Division, has released its list of Green Legal Initiative firms for 2013. Now in its second year, the program recognizes legal businesses, including law practices, legal departments, courts, agencies, legal support services and other members of the community that have committed to engaging in environmentally responsible business operations.
IndyBar: Public Outreach Committee Hosts Mock Election
Students at Shortridge Magnet High School for Law and Public Policy got a first-hand taste of the democratic process on Thursday, Oct. 31 as the IndyBar Public Outreach Committee hosted a mock election among eighth graders for a class representative to the school’s Student Council.
Blomquist: Embracing Diversity for the Greater Good
The IndyBar job fair connects diverse students with Indy employment.
IndyBar: Health Care & Life Sciences Section Kicks Off Rebranding with Half-Day Seminar
Spurred by recent growth in the Indiana life sciences industry and by the natural nexus between the health care and life sciences sectors in Indiana, the IndyBar Health Care section expanded its focus in 2013, becoming the “Health Care & Life Sciences Section.”
IndyBar: Moberly to Lead Indianapolis Bar Association in 2016
The Indianapolis Bar Association’s Nominating Committee has announced the selection of the Hon. Robyn Moberly of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Indiana as the 2016 President of the Indianapolis Bar Association.
IndyBar: Local Leaders to be Honored with IndyBar Recognition Awards
These IndyBar members–and their innovative ideas–are just a few of those who will be honored at the Indianapolis Bar Association and Foundation Recognition Luncheon on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013.
Legal aid group, IndyBar, church to join for refugee Green Card effort
About 70 refugees from at least seven nations are expected to receive free legal help this weekend thanks to efforts of the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic, the Indianapolis Bar Association, Grace Community Church and other volunteers.
IndyBar – Help Others and Get Free CLE: IndyBar to Co-Host Pro Bono Trainings
The IndyBar Pro Bono Standing Committee, along with other legal and community organizations, will co-host two pro bono program trainings in the coming weeks. These trainings, which include continuing legal education credit, can be taken at no cost with a commitment to take on pro bono cases.