
Blomquist – Using Your Powers for Good: Build Your Practice with Pro Bono

October is Pro Bono Awareness Month, so it makes sense for me to focus this column on pro bono work. Before your eyes glaze over and you start looking for pictures of people you know elsewhere in this publication, stick with me for a minute. Sure, there are the obvious warm and fuzzy “volunteer to save the world” arguments for practicing pro bono publico service, and if you know my professional history, you know I believe them all. I think I am as warm and fuzzy and altruistic as I can be while still making my mortgage payments. I believe that doing pro bono work increases your engagement, satisfaction and longevity in this profession and that in turns benefits us in all ways long term.

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IndyBar: Hon. Tanya Walton Pratt Named Recipient of 2013 Antoinette Dakin Leach Award

The Hon. Tanya Walton Pratt, United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, will be recognized as the 2013 Antoinette Dakin Leach Award recipient at the Antoinette Dakin Leach Award Celebration Luncheon on October 25. The luncheon is being held in conjunction with the Women & the Law Division’s Women, Law & Leadership Symposium, which will be held Thursday, October 24 through Friday, October 25.

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IndyBar: New IndyBar ‘Pause for Professionalism’ Video Available

If you only knew about family law from watching TV dramas, you might believe there is no such thing as civility in family law. Such shows thrive on the drama and portray attorneys who scream at each other, betray each other and do everything they can to undermine each other in front of a sitting judge as the norm.

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Blomquist: Supporting our Legal Community Through Good Times and Bad

At the July meeting of the IndyBar Board of Directors, the board approved both the description and the structure of the IndyBar HEAL Committee. If you don’t know it yet, the HEAL Committee stands for “Helping to Enrich Attorneys Lives” and its mission is clear: to assist Indianapolis area legal professionals in times of personal or professional crisis. Under the leadership of Rusty Denton of Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP, the HEAL Committee has defined its program and laid out its plan to offer assistance to legal professionals at their time of need.

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IndyBar: Board Approves Model Rule Guidelines for Marion County Judicial Selection

As part of its ongoing efforts to facilitate judicial elections issues reform, the Indianapolis Bar Association Board of Directors approved at its July 2013 meeting a set of Model Rule Guidelines for the Marion County judicial selection system. The Model Rule Guidelines were drafted through the bar’s Attorneys for an Independent Bench Committee, which was also authorized at the July board meeting to seek implementation of these rules. Visit to view the Model Rule Guidelines.

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Blomquist: Why go it Alone? Mentors Provide Support

I went to the annual Women and the Law Division (aka WLD) summer social earlier this summer. This is one of my favorite IndyBar gatherings because women law students, lawyers and judges of all ages and from all career paths have a chance to socialize, network and just have fun. WLD Chair Nicky Mendenhall ran the show and we were all equally entertained and motivated by guest speaker Judge Robyn Moberly, the first women in the state of Indiana to be appointed a federal bankruptcy court judge.

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IndyBar: Interrogatories — Q & A with Jeffrey J. Graham

He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and the Valparaiso University School of Law. He served as a law clerk to the Honorable S. Hugh Dillin before joining his current practice in bankruptcy and creditor rights at Taft Stettinius & Hollister. He is Jeffrey J. Graham, and he has been served with interrogatories.

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IndyBar: Let’s Get Ready to Rumble: IndyBar to Host Election Law Debate

Introducing first, in this corner, we have Bill Bock, hailing from Kroger Gardis & Regas, representing such heavy hitters as the United States Anti-Doping Agency. And his opponent, a partner of the Faegre Baker Daniels firm, is Scott Chinn, legal advisor to Indy political stars and public officials alike. These two heavyweights of the Indy legal community will square off in a head-to-head debate on one of the most hotly contested topics of our day: election law. Keeping the fight clean will be Brian Bosma, partner at Kroger Gardis & Regas and Speaker of the Indiana House of Representatives.

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