Blomquist: Online and on Your Time
This week, your IndyBar is launching its Online CLE Course offerings after months of planning by both the IndyBar staff and leadership.
This week, your IndyBar is launching its Online CLE Course offerings after months of planning by both the IndyBar staff and leadership.
The Indianapolis Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Professionalism seeks to promote positive images of lawyers throughout the Indianapolis community and within our bar.
As a seasoned professional, you know the ins and outs of laws and regulations, the guidelines and the sound strategies that will benefit your clients. You have no trepidations offering advice. When it comes to your business, however that confidence often evaporates.
In an age where nearly every task can be completed on the Web, it’s no surprise that online education is gaining in popularity for busy professionals across the globe.
The IndyBar welcomed Ron Gifford of the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership and Central Indiana Transit Task Force to present the latest business developments, legislative updates and the financial implications of bringing mass transit to Indianapolis at the first Bar Leader Series Alumni Program on Thursday, March 14.
She is a graduate of Indiana University and the Chicago-Kent College of Law. She has served as a Deputy Public Defender at the Indiana State Public Defender’s Office, the Principal Clerk of the Indiana House of Representatives, and a Donor Relations Officer at Indiana Landmarks. She is Lee Smith, and she has been served with interrogatories.
A series of resolutions passed by the ABA’s House of Delegates at the February Midyear meeting encourages the creation of policies to protect victims. One of those resolutions urges bar associations to develop more training programs to help identify trafficking victims.
As part of the leadership development curriculum of the Indianapolis Bar Association’s Bar Leader Series, the 25 members of Bar Leader Series Class X (BLS X) have been charged with creating, developing and executing service projects to benefit the Indianapolis community.
The Indiana State Bar Association Young Lawyers Section teamed up with the Indianapolis Bar Association Young Lawyers Division recently to help brighten the Easter Seals Crossroads headquarters in Indianapolis.
Escape from your office to enjoy an hour with your colleagues and these engaging programs and speakers at this year’s lineup of IndyBar member gatherings. Save the dates and register today!
How do you want to be remembered when you retire from the practice of law? Or, if you have already retired, how do you hope your former colleagues speak of you now?
Although it’s a challenge to separate the reality from the hype when discussing impact of sequestration on our court system, it is a necessary dialogue, and numbers and potential impact must be shared.
Indianapolis prides itself as the “racing capital of the world.” But even as numerous industries in Indiana have benefited enormously from motorsports, for many years the benefit to the legal community of Indiana was less certain.
You’re an expert in the legal arena. You live and breathe assisting individuals in this litigious society … or so you thought. It doesn’t take long in your field to realize all those various law classes back in law school failed to cover the basics of managing a successful practice.
When time, technology and specialization challenge us to stay engaged, how do we as a bar association stay meaningful, relevant and fun?
It pays to associate…get six hours of Free CLE each year with the IndyBar!