Indianapolis Bar Association
IBA: Simplifying the Practice with Forms and Resources
The sharing of information and resources is one of the greatest benefits of an association. During the course of its more than 125 year history the IndyBar has developed a number of resources to assist in the practice online, on disk, or in hard copy.
Chinn: Super February
The midyear meetings of the American Bar Association were held in New Orleans earlier this month. As bad luck would have it, the meetings overlapped Super Bowl week in Indianapolis and for some even Super Bowl Sunday itself. But despite the conflict, a number of IndyBar leaders made the trip to the Crescent City to take part in the meetings, to represent the IndyBar, and to fulfill various speaking obligations.
IBA: Volunteer for the Health and Human Rights Clinic at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law
The Health & Human Rights Clinic at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law (“HHRC”), with the support of a $35,000 grant from the Indianapolis Bar Foundation (“IBF”), is launching a first-of-its-kind initiative to team local attorneys with clinical faculty in providing pro bono representation to low-income clients in the Indianapolis community.
IBA: What Every Woman Should Know to Protect Herself in the Event of Divorce
Advising clients contemplating divorce varies with the style of the attorney. Even so, there are fundamental issues every woman considering or beginning the divorce process should know to protect herself financially.
IBA: Getting to Know Buchanan Winner Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson
Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson, the 2012 recipient of the Paul H. Buchanan Jr. Award of Excellence, is a role model for many. The Indianapolis Bar Association posed some questions to “Judge Jane,” as she prefers to be known, to learn more about this exceptional lawyer and jurist.
Chinn: A Few Words About Judicial Elections
This is a judicial election year, and in Marion County this year, we have 20 spots on the ballot for judges of the Marion Superior Court. More than half of the local judiciary in the State’s largest and busiest county is up for election. That fact alone makes the 2012 elections a big deal.
IBA: Trivia Night Fun at Binkley’s
An actual “fun” fundraiser is coming up on Thursday, March 1 as the Indianapolis Bar Foundation hosts Trivia Night. Set for 5-8:00 p.m. at Binkley’s Kitchen and Bar, Trivia Night is a laid back evening to test your knowledge and hang out with friends.
IBA: Racing Attorneys Conference to Roar Into Charlotte, NC
The Racing Attorney Conference (TRAC) returns to Charlotte, N.C., for a fresh and new program on Wednesday, April 10, and Thursday, April 11.
IBA: Judicial Candidate Evaluation Results Released
The IndyBar’s Judicial Excellence Political Action Committee (JEPAC) released the results of its recent judicial evaluation survey of 2012 candidates for Marion Superior Court.
IBA: Foundation Accepting Impact Grant Applications
Indianapolis service agencies are eligible for a $35,000 grant through the Indianapolis Bar Foundation’s Impact Fund.
Marion County judicial ‘slating fees’ subject of 2 inquiries
An Indianapolis attorney and an Indianapolis Bar Association political action committee want the Indiana Commission on Judicial Qualifications to look into how Marion County judicial candidates contribute to political parties as part of the process in running to be a judge.
Magnus-Stinson to receive IBA Buchanan Award
U.S. District Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson will receive the Indianapolis Bar Association’s Hon. Paul H. Buchanan Jr. Award of Excellence, the bar association has announced.
Chinn: Opportunities To Serve In 2012
IBA President Scott Chinn writes his first column about how members can be involved in 2012.
2012 IBA Installation Luncheon
View photos from the 2012 IBA Installation Luncheon at the Conrad Hotel in Indianapolis.
IBA: Mark Calendars for Sedona, Arizona
The Indianapolis Bar Association is going on the road with CLE to stunning Sedona, Ariz., November 15-17, 2012.
IBA: Bill Watch 2012 Available Each Week
The IndyBar’s Legislative Committee has launched Bill Watch 2012. Throughout the legislative session, the IndyBar will distribute each week through its electronic newsletter an updated report of progress and recent actions taken in regard bills and resolutions deemed of possible interest to IndyBar members.