Indianapolis Bar Association
IBA: Support Judicial Candidates for 2012
IndyBar’s Attorneys for an Independent Bench (“AIB”) political action committee is a great alternative to direct political contributions for those seeking to support judicial candidates in the 2012 elections for Marion Circuit and Superior Courts.
Hebenstreit: With a Need so Great, What Will We Do?
We all know what pro bono legal service means and probably know or believe that it is a good idea. But have you ever thought about how it actually works?
IBA: IndyBar’s First Women’s Symposium Exceeds Goals
Area lawyers gathered to attend the Women, Law & Leadership Symposium, hosted by the IndyBar Women and Law Division (WLD) on October 5 and 6, 2011 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in downtown Indianapolis.
IBA: Social Media and Ethics
A Florida case should remind Indiana lawyers to be cognizant of the Rules of Professional Conduct when participating in any form of social media.
IBA: Evening Under The Stars
The Indianapolis Bar Foundation Evening Under the Stars dinner was held Sept. 9.
Hebenstreit: Lawyers and the Election Process
In 2010, 61.2% of Hoosiers were registered to vote which placed us in 43rd place in the United States. We were even worse in voter turnout. Only 39.4% of Indiana residents actually voted in the 2010 elections which placed us in 48th position. The national average was 45.4%—a full six points higher than Indiana was able to muster.
IBA: Size DOES Matter
Who says size doesn’t matter? To the IndyBar, small firms matter a lot!
IBA: Second Annual Mediation Days a Success
While a struggling economy does not slow down the caseload at the Marion County Circuit Court Paternity Division, it does increase the need for pro bono services.
IBA: The Corporate Veil Wears Thin with the IRS
The legal metaphor “corporate veil” is doubly a tantalizing legal term of art and an effective marketing tool to illustrate to potential clients the benefits of corporate formation.
IndyBar names new officers
The Indianapolis Bar Association’s nominating committee has announced the selection of Jeffrey Abrams of Benesch Friedlander Copland & Aronoff as the 2014 president of the association.
Hebenstreit: Collaborating to Provide Services for All
Service has always been important, but in today’s frenetic world, receiving good and prompt service is critical.
IBA: Abrams announced as 2014 IndyBar President
The Indianapolis Bar Association’s Nominating Committee has announced the selection of Jeffrey Abrams of Benesch Friedlander Copland & Aronoff as the 2014 President of the Association. Currently serving as IndyBar’s Treasurer, Abrams will serve as the Association’s 1st Vice President on the 2012 Board of Directors.
IndyBar offers scholarships for symposium
The Indianapolis Bar Association Women & the Law Division is offering several scholarships for its “Women, Law & Leadership” symposium, Oct. 5 and 6 at Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Downtown at Historic Union Station. Scholarship applications are due by Sept. 9.
IBA Editorial: Court Funding in Critical Condition Nationwide
One of the corner stones of our American system of jurisprudence is free and open access to the trial courts and judicial system. The ability of businesses to solve their disputes in an orderly fashion and the predictability of outcomes encourages business to be conducted in our country.
IBA: 25th Anniversary of the Women and the Law Division: A Symposium on Women, Law & Leadership
This year marks an exciting milestone for IndyBar’s Women and Law Division. Twenty-five years ago, a number of visionary lawyers in our community founded WLD to create opportunities for professional growth and personal connections among women lawyers. A quarter of a century later, WLD remains a strong presence in the Indianapolis Bar Association.