Indianapolis Bar Association
IndyBar: Intellectual Property Leaders Take the Stage: A Sneak Peek into 7th annual IP Roundtable with the Business Law Section
All are welcome to this unique opportunity to hear directly from intellectual property corporate counsel at a business law event taking place from 12-1 p.m. on July 26 at IndyBar HQ, 140 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, 46204.
IndyBar: Level Up Your Legal Knowledge: The History of GenCon and IP
Calling all dragon slayers, dungeon explorers, heroes, villains and, of course, intellectual property lawyers! IndyBar will open its gates at 4 p.m. on Aug. 3 for a fantastical event titled “Level Up Your Legal Knowledge: The History of GenCon and IP.”
IndyBar: Practice Toolkit: Pick Up Line: Managing Reception in a Modern Law Firm
If you want to get your phone picked up every time (which you should want to have happen), there’s a combination of services available that could cover you 24/7.
IndyBar: Effectively Utilizing a Paralegal
To hear more about how attorneys can effectively utilize paralegals, I welcome you to attend IndyBar’s CLE titled “How to Maximize Your Paralegal in Research, e-Discovery, and Trial,” at 4 p.m. on Aug. 10 (link found on IndyBar website).
IndyBar: Pro Bono Opportunities Abound with IndyBar
Because the need is great, volunteers are always being sought for three IndyBar pro bono programs that allow members to choose to dedicate just an hour or two or a longer-term commitment.
IndyBar: Practice Toolkit: Role Models: To Better Ensure Data Security, Check Your User Permissions
To have a truly effective data security program, law firms need to consider the access that internal staff enjoys.
IndyBar: Bar Leader Class XIX Celebrates Service and Success
Class XIX of the Indianapolis Bar Association’s Bar Leader Series recently completed the course and celebrated their success while sharing details of the community service program they designed and staffed.
IndyBar: Cultural Competence: The Challenges and Opportunities of Serving English as Second Language Clients
When your clients are of diverse backgrounds, are nonnative English speakers and are often immigrants, how do you best serve their needs?
DTCI: Working with a professional coach has big career benefits
Working with a coach is an investment in your career. It is not cheap, and it can make you ask difficult questions about yourself. But it can also help you determine what you want out of your career and the steps you can take to get there.
IndyBar: On Demand with IndyBar Celebrating 10 Years of Service
IndyBar’s On-Demand CLE service is celebrating its 10th anniversary providing hundreds of online options for free or at a nominal cost.
IndyBar: Play a Part in Welcoming New Americans
About every six weeks, IndyBar is fortunate to provide a representative of the legal community to participate in a Naturalization Ceremony at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana to welcome newly naturalized American citizens.
IndyBar: Practice Toolkit: Is AI for U?: Lawyers Should Keep an Eye on Artificial Intelligence
ChatGPT is all anyone can seem to talk about these days, from grandmas to grade schoolers. That is how you know when a technology has captured the popular zeitgeist.
IndyBar: Indianapolis Bar Foundation Grants $35,000 To You Yes You!
The Indianapolis Bar Foundation, funded by donations from the local legal community, recently gifted a Community Empowerment Grant of $35,000 to You Yes You!, a Indianapolis-based organization.
IndyBar: Artificial Intelligence: Colleague Or Competitor?
Recent artificial intelligence and, more specifically, ChatGPT articles seem to be indicating a need for law firms to prepare for another upcoming major pivot in the technology we use to draft legal documents and provide services.
IndyBar: Looking to Connect with Diverse Future Lawyers? IndyBar to Host Diversity Events July 24-25
Dozens of diverse law students from across the country will soon travel to Indianapolis to meet leaders from Indianapolis-area law firms, agencies, courts and businesses at the 16th annual Indianapolis Bar Association Diversity Job Fair.
IndyBar: Blainbridge Receives Paralegal of the Year Award
The Indianapolis Bar Association recently honored Sara C. Blainbridge of the Indiana Office of Judicial Administration with IndyBar’s 2023 Paralegal of the Year Award.

Got a question? IndyBar is providing free answers
Legal help is just a call away when the Indianapolis Bar Association hosts Legal Line on Tuesday, June 13.
Anyone can simply call 317-269-2000 from 6 to 8 p.m. and speak to an attorney at no fee and with no further obligation.
IndyBar: Class XX of IndyBar’s Bar Leader Series Announced
Class XX of the Indianapolis Bar Association Bar Leader Series has been selected. Representing an array of practice settings and areas, as well as life experiences, Class XX is poised to begin their yearlong journey at IndyBar’s Bench Bar Conference.
IndyBar: IndyBar Seeking 2024 Leaders
The nomination period has begun for the 2024 boards of directors for the Indianapolis Bar Association AND the Indianapolis Bar Foundation.