IBA: New Leaders Take the Reins
Already the 2011 Board of Directors of the Indianapolis Bar Association and the Indianapolis Bar Foundation are at work.
Already the 2011 Board of Directors of the Indianapolis Bar Association and the Indianapolis Bar Foundation are at work.
Merrill Moores, who loved the law and mentoring young attorneys, died Jan. 5. Moores is the father of a Marion County juvenile judge and an Indianapolis attorney.
The annual Talk to a Lawyer Today event will take place on Jan. 17 at locations around the state. While the free CLE opportunities took place in late 2010, volunteers who want to participate may do so if they didn’t attend the CLE.
Chief Justice Shepard presented the Distinguished Hoosier Award on behalf of Governor Mitch Daniels to Judy Glaze, a thirty-plus year court employee in Criminal Court 4 and Civil Court 13.
From the onset, let the witness know that you know the case, and you know the facts, better than he does.
Each year, the Indianapolis Bar Foundation presents scholarships to deserving law students, fulfilling its mission to advance justice and lead positive change in Indianapolis.
Governor Mitch Daniels has selected Indianapolis Bar Association member Martha B. Wentworth as the next Indiana Tax Court judge. Wentworth replaces Judge Thomas G. Fisher, who retired from the court on January 1.
The Talk to a Lawyer even on Jan. 17 still needs volunteers; the Evansville Bar Association recently moved and is promoting a tribute for an attorney who died in November 2010.
For around $20 per month, IndyBar members can join the Lawyer Referral Service, which refers nearly 400 potential clients per month.
More than 3,500 stuffed animals were collected in the 2010 Teddy Bear Challenge, an annual collection effort spearheaded by the IndyBar Paralegal Executive Committee.
Whether you are a sole practitioner or an attorney in a 200 attorney law firm, you have probably had a question at some point in your career that you struggled to answer – or perhaps you simply wanted a second opinion.
The Marion Superior Court has announced the hiring of four new Commissioners to serve the Courts.
This year began with a wish: that the Indianapolis Bar Association would flourish and that our community of remarkable people, wonderful lawyers and great friends would grow even stronger.
Happy Holidays! Hopefully, this is the time of year that each of us can catch our breath and focus on how fortunate we are to be able to participate in this profession.
A blue ribbon selection committee acting on behalf of the Indianapolis Bar Association and the Indianapolis Bar Foundation has announced the selection of James H. Voyles Jr. of Voyles Zahn Paul Hogan & Merriman as a recipient of the IndyBar’s prestigious Hon. Paul H. Buchanan Jr. Award of Excellence.