IBA: Did You Know?
Depression will affect more than 19 million Americans this year, and according to a Johns Hopkins University study lawyers have the highest rate of depression among the 28 occupations they reviewed.
Depression will affect more than 19 million Americans this year, and according to a Johns Hopkins University study lawyers have the highest rate of depression among the 28 occupations they reviewed.
So far in 2010, the IBF awarded over $136,000 in grant support for IBA initiatives and to agencies with projects consistent with the IBF mission of advancing the administration of justice and understanding of law through philanthropy, education and service.
To say that we got where we are without the help of others would be a lie, no matter who you are.
When was the last time you thought about how you practice law?
The United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana recently announced the selection of Mark J. Dinsmore as the new United States Magistrate Judge.
On Thursday, September 30 the Indianapolis Bar Association is elevating the discussion of professionalism within the practice of law by hosting Mentors Who Matter – a luncheon highlighting some outstanding professionals in our legal community.
Three deserving students received Diversity Job Fair scholarships provided by Baker & Daniels LLP, Barnes & Thornburg LLP and Bingham McHale LLP.
Sometimes, you get so busy that the weather out your window is as foreign as a fat-free Big Mac. Sometimes, you just need to stop and be inspired.
The Indybar’s Pro Bono Standing Committee is pleased to announce that the Julian Center, Neighborhood Christian Legal
Clinic ad Heartland Pro Bono are teaming up to present three CLE’s this fall.
Lilia G. Judson, executive director of the Indiana Supreme Court Division of State Court Administration, has been elected
vice-chair of the Board of Directors of the National Center for State Courts (NCSC).
As another school year begins, the halls of IU Law School-Indianapolis are once again filled with anxious and overwhelmed
first year students. Right away the IBA Student Division offers practical programming, networking, and fun events to help
students acclimate to their new setting.
The Marion Circuit and Superior Courts have announced they will be conducting a performance evaluation of all current Magistrates and Commissioners now serving those courts.
The Indianapolis Bar Association may be the first statewide or nationally to create a plan aimed at combating judicial campaign-contribution
concerns on the heels of a landmark court ruling last year.
After a landmark ruling from the nation’s highest court, the Indianapolis Bar Association has adopted an alternative
to direct judicial campaign contributions for those interested in donating to candidates vying for the Marion County bench.
As a way to help judges and parties in paternity court in Marion County, an Indianapolis law firm recently offered conference
rooms and support staff for a day of pro bono mediation in its offices, something firm members say they hope other law firms
will consider if they have the available space.