Indianapolis Bar Association
IBA: Bar Leaders Sought for Board Service
It’s already that time of year, when attention turns to nominating the Indianapolis Bar Association Board of Directors
IBA: Surviving in the Legal Practice
Competition for solo practitioners and law firm associates is only getting tougher each month as more lawyers lose their jobs.
Hickey: Where There’s a Will There’s a… Thank You
Pro Bono: for the public good. As lawyers, we know this as legal work undertaken free of charge.
IBA: Changes in Marion Superior Court Assignments
Changes in Marion Superior Court Bench Assignments Judge Barbara Crawford recently began service as the newest judge on the
Marion Superior Court.
IBA: Criminal Jury Questionnaire Under Review
Those practicing in the Marion County Criminal Courts have long sought revision to the jury questionnaire to improve the
effectiveness of juror selection and to improve the efficiency of the process. A movement is now underway to undertake those
needed revisions.
IBA: PAC Approved as Alternative for Judicial Campaign Contributions
A plan calls for the creation of a new political action committee to receive and distribute voluntary contributions to judicial
candidates for the Marion County Circuit and Superior Courts.
IBA: Saving Time and Sanity
Time spent on the phone with a prospective client is time well spent when that prospective client becomes a paying one.
IBA: Did You Know?
At this week’s American Bar Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco, the Indianapolis Bar Association will be well-represented
as several bar members and staff will be participating in leadership positions.
IBA: Lawyer Telecommuting on the Rise
The days of being chained to a desk truly are ending for most lawyers.
IBA: Bar Foundation Seeks Leaders
Your Indianapolis Bar Foundation is seeking energetic leaders interested in helping to guide this dynamic fundraising board
in 2011.
Hickey: Napoleon Who?
From what started as a 30-member group in 1878 to what is now a growing association with nearly 5,000 members, the IBA has come a long way since well before we became members.
IBA: Climate Changing the Billable Hour
A survey recently released by law firm management consulting company Altman Weil reports a clear consensus emerging among US law firms on changes in the profession.
IBA: Mediation Day
The Indianapolis Bar Association’s ADR Section and the Bar’s Standing Committee on Pro Bono jointly hosted their first annual Mediation Day on August 3, 2010 at Baker & Daniels downtown Indianapolis office.
IBA: Zoning Cases Moved with Judge Keele
Marion Superior Court Judge Michael Keele recently moved from civil court 12 to civil court 7 prompting a discussion about
assignment of zoning and substantive civil environmental cases.
IBA: Providing Services to the Deaf
Twenty years ago the United States took a giant leap forward in providing access for all persons regardless of ability with
passage of The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Nominations sought for numerous awards
If you know of a lawyer or judge who demonstrates dedication and professionalism above and beyond most, there are several
awards for which they may be considered. Deadlines are quickly approaching.
Indianapolis Bar Foundation Lawyer Links Classic 2010
More than 100 golfers gathered at Broadmoor Country Club to support the Indianapolis Bar Foundation on July 8.