IBA: Slow Pace of Law Firm Mergers Continues
There were eight new law firm combinations announced in the U.S. in the first quarter of 2010 according to Altman Weil MergerLine, continuing the slow down of mergers from 2009.
There were eight new law firm combinations announced in the U.S. in the first quarter of 2010 according to Altman Weil MergerLine, continuing the slow down of mergers from 2009.
Ever heard the expression, “give a little, give a lot?” Those supporting the Indianapolis Bar Foundation in 2009 did just that.
IBA Seeks Volunteers for Diversity Task Force The IBA seeks members interested in serving on a short-term task force to undertake the creation of a report to the IBA Board of Directors regarding diversity within the Indianapolis Bar Association. The effort will be chaired by Marisol Sanchez of Bose McKinney & Evans. Work is slated […]
Atticus Finch, Thurgood Marshall, and Sandra Day O’Connor won’t be there, but you still have time to join future
legendary lawyers and judges at this year’s Bench Bar Conference: Making Lawyers Into Legends.
No, Belva is not a current IBA member. In fact, she was never an IBA member; however,
I was just “introduced” to her and thought the timing remarkable given that I had already decided to write this
President’s Message on celebrating Mother’s Day.
Students from Daniel Webster School 46 attended a Naturalization Ceremony as the guest of George Rubin of Rubin & Levin. Also pictured are U.S. Magistrate Judge William G. Hussman who presided over the ceremony and Indiana Court of Appeals Judge Mark Bailey who gave remarks on behalf of the IBA.
Members of the city’s public safety team recently addressed a gathering of the Indianapolis Bar Association’s
Bar Leader Series class to discuss their respective roles and shed light on the challenges they are confronting.
More than one-quarter of lawyers interviewed recently said they plan to increase staff levels in the second quarter of 2010,
while virtually none anticipated declines, according to The Robert Half Legal Hiring Index.
In 1983 Michael Jackson’s Thriller was the album of the year. Flashdance was in the movie theaters, and Ronald Reagan
was in the White House. It’s also the year that Mary E. Myers of Kroger Gardis & Regas began her paralegal career.
As the United States Senate began debate on the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Act, the Indianapolis
Bar Association issued a letter to oppose provisions within the CFPA which would grant the proposed Bureau of Consumer Financial
Protection broad new powers to regulate lawyers.
As part of their initiative to work with families of military members, a group of attorneys in the Indianapolis Bar Association’s
Bar Leader Series helped organize “Tumble for Troops,” a free event open to Hoosier military families.
As controversy swirls around the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office, attorneys throughout Indiana have their eyes on how the
ethical issues can be a lesson for the state’s legal community.
Who says that hard work and persistence don’t pay off? Well before the E-Trade talking baby commercials, our local judges
were exerting their energy in formulating the framework of a plan to bring efficiencies to court filings.
You might be wondering about the title to this President's Message. This column is devoted to membership and I thought it fitting that the "I" be replaced with "you"; this is Your Bar Association.
Recently, I cleaned my office. That alone is worthy of a President's Message; however, the story gets better. What began as an almost-as-good-as-a-root-canal experience turned into a journey back in time with a treasure-trove of items that hadn't seen the light of day in decades.
As I write this article, it will have been but few days since my installation as the 132nd President of the Indianapolis Bar Association.
It's probably not surprising to those who know Steve Peters that he quoted Shakespeare while talking about his legal career. But many people might not know that Peters, a civil litigator with Harrison & Moberly LLP, was a self-professed math and English geek in high school and college.
As my year as your President comes to an end and my friend, Chris Hickey, begins her year as your President, I just wanted to take this opportunity to jot down some of my random thoughts from the past year.
Vetoed legislation that would scrap St. Joseph County's merit selection for judicial elections and also add a new three-judge panel to the Indiana Court of Appeals is back in play.
The Indianapolis Bar Association is seeking nominations to fill an immediate vacancy on its board of directors.